![Reasons for Decorating and Finishing Leather Items 1 Important Uses of Different Types of Cable Wires](/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/editor-1s-205px.gif)
Decoration is the means or process through which the appearance of an artwork is enhanced or made more attractive. The decoration of articles and works in leatherwork has several benefits or importance both to producers, customers and the product itself. Finishing is the treatment given to products to change, improve or develop their appearance or behavioral characteristics. This treatment improves the hand and makes the products very attractive. It is the final methods and processes of preparing the leather for use, of polishing, buffing or otherwise after the completion of the leather artifact. Some of the reasons for decorating and finishing leather products are discussed in this article.
1. To enhance the value of the leather products- Decorating leather items aid in increasing their aesthetic appeal and makes them more attractive.
2. To attract high price- Decoration of leather helps in adding market value to the product. It raises its price and worth. This makes the leather craftsman earn a lot of income.
3. To meet standards for export- Well decorated products helps such works to meet exportation standards. They can be exported to other countries to earn foreign exchange.
4. To show respect for the customer- Well decorated items in leather makes the client feel respected and honored when he comes to the shop to purchase the item. While poorly decorated leather items ridicules or demeans its buyers, well decorated leather items boosts their respect.
5. It helps the leather craftsman to have a sustained market- A leather craftsman whose leather crafts are well decorated continues to enjoy a prolonged market. Also, the leather craftsman gets a large pool of clients to work with due to his well decorated leather items.
There are several reasons for finishing products in leather. Some of these reasons are outlined below.
1. To make the works durable or permanent- When leather works are finished properly, it makes them stand the test of time and prolongs the duration for their usage.
2. To protect works against weather, wear and tear- Finished leather products are well protected against the harsh weather condition as well as wearing out and tearing. It helps the works to be resistant to harmful external attack such as water spillage etc.
3. To act as a means of restoring leather-Designed products in leather that are well finished have an improved usable and functioning condition. That is, they have good workability and perform better than unfinished leather items.
4. To prevent mold from growing on leather items- Finished leather pieces resist strongly, the growth of mold, mildew, decaying and fungi attack.
5. To make them attractive- Leather products that are well finished attract customers and clients. The purchase rate or markets of such products are usually very high.
6. To add value- Finished leather products have an added value on them. This includes an added pricing, attraction and market value to the product.
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