
3 Things We Must Do To Become Significant In The Universe And Not Another Ant Colony In The Jungle


Well, we’re stuck.. Literally and metaphorically.. Here on our good-old earth.

And this is not a new thing, since we’re stuck for more than 40 years. Remember the euphoria in 1969 when the first man set foot on the moon? I can’t because I was only 5 then. But I fully understand how everyone got excited on such an achievement with those days’ technology. Just to remind you, the total computing power of that spacecraft was just about the same as a pocket calculator today, and probably a negligible fraction of your new cell phone. Our hopes were so high then; exploration of Mars was only years away and interstellar travel would be possible within decades. Star Trek was the “hit” show and James T. Kirk was the role model for almost every boy..

And then what happened? We don’t even travel to the moon anymore.. Okay okay, economic reasons, precious lives of astronauts, more important political agendas and so forth. But aren’t we missing something here? Contrary to the popular opinion, main reason for our failure is that our technology could not keep up with our minds and needs for the exploration of space..Yes, developments in electronics, communications, biotechnology… are beyond imagination. But these are all applied sciences. In fundamental areas like physics for example, we still use the atomic model devised more than 100 years ago, we recently began understanding Einstein’s Relativity, and we are still stuck with funny theories like Dark Matter (which actually is the scientific way of saying we don’t have a clue about what is going on..) Of course, when you stall in fundamental sciences you also stall in applied areas. On the shameful side of all is our means of transport today; we still use outdated combustion engines here and again outdated chemical propulsion technology in space. It doesn’t matter how much you improve the efficiency folks, you can’t go much further with these junk.. Sorry.

So, let’s go back to the title and ask ourselves: what shall we do?

My answer? OK, here it is:

1) We must defy Gravity. ( no need to explain further..)

2) We must achieve speeds close to or exceeding the speed of light, and since this is theoretically impossible (at least according to Einstein) we must devise a method to go around Einstein’s laws.

3) And we must reconsider our mainstream model for the universe, starting with the structure of space, motion, light, gravity and also question exotic theories like Dark Matter.. Because these did not take us anywhere, and if something cannot be verified in a meaningful time span, it is better to forget it. Let’s just say “we don’t know”, for the time being! We have all the necessary tools and knowledge to explain peculiarities in the universe without resorting to weirder things like Dark Matter or even curvature of space.

And maybe these three issues are interrelated, solving one will bring answers to the others..And maybe somebody will present us a new theory that will help a bit, who knows?



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