
Chicken Coop Designs – 3 Great Tips For Your Backyard Chicken Coop


Chicken coop designs can vary greatly from one to another, but there are a few aspects that will make any chicken coop a safer, more comfortable place for your chickens to stay, and ensure the best quality eggs all year around. Here are three tips you should follow if you’re planning on putting a coop in your yard or farm.

1) Slope the floor very slightly towards the door for drainage.

It doesn’t have to be a huge angle; a very slight slope will do the job. Your goal here is to make it easy to spray down and clean the chicken coop floor without having to worry about water pooling in the middle of the coop, making it a poor environment for the chickens. By sloping the floor slightly towards the door, all the water you spray in will run out afterwards, leaving no puddles or pools inside.

2) Try to put your coop in an area that faces the sun.

Chickens are sensitive to hot and cold just like people are, and placing your coop somewhere in the sun will give the chickens a good source of extra warmth in the cold winter. In the summer, the coop will be well ventilated by the windows and doors. In the winter though, the chickens will thank you for the extra warmth.

3) Install electric lighting for the best eggs.

For those days when the sun just isn’t out or if you can’t put your coop somewhere the windows face the sun, an electric light source is a great way to keep the chickens warm. An electric light source will also help the chickens lay high quality eggs all year around, something they won’t do if they’re too cold.


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