The trance state seems like an exotic experience, but it’s as natural to you as sleep. You view sleeping as a perfectly normal activity. You don’t find it strange that you put on special clothing, lie flat on a horizontal surface, turn off the lights, close your eyes, and switch into another state where you can often see pictures dancing inside your closed eyelids. Conversely, the trance may seem unusual, but it’s really as natural as sleep itself. Both sleep and trance quiet the waking mind and take you deeply inside yourself..
What Does Trance Feel Like?
When you come to think of it, you’ve experienced hypnotic trance often and in many daily activities, like when you’re running down the track or watching a film or making love or wildly dancing or day dreaming – or even driving your car – and you’re not aware that you’re “doing” the activity. You become absorbed in it so fully that normal thought processes seem to cease for the moment, and for that time, you’re elevated, uplifted, and freed. This hypnotic trance is a natural state of consciousness
What Happens when You’re in Trance?
While in this deeply relaxed state, your deep inner mind is brought to the forefront, where your everyday or conscious mind is usually found. So when you’re relaxed, you have greater access to material that is more deeply embedded inside of you. This state has often been looked upon as esoteric, strange, mysterious, “altered;” yet it’s a simple and natural state in which the deeper layers of mind are freed from their normal limitations. It is, in fact, a state of mind you normally spend a lot of time experiencing,
What Can You Do in Trance?
When you’re in this relaxed state of trance, you’re often highly suggestible and responsive. Your attention is focused, and it’s almost as if your body is sleeping while your deeper mind is fully aware and awake. You may feel light or heavy in your body, or you may not experience having a body at all. You may feel various sensations, such as tingling, floating, relaxation or deep peace. You’re able to bypass your normal waking consciousness and cross the bridge into the often buried parts of yourself.
The trance state is also the hypnotic state, and it has many uses. You can connect with the subconscious mind and the higher or superconscious mind. You can get in touch with creativity, spirituality, your past and future and especially become more aware of the present moment. You can look at your motivations and emotions, and with your innate abilities.
How Do People Talk About the Trance State?
Everyday language views the trance state as magnetic and compelling: “He has hypnotic eyes” or “She’s got you hypnotized” (and therefore under her power) or “That’s the cultural trance he’s under” And yet the trance state is actually a state of deep relaxation, well-being, and natural responsiveness. The trance state is a gateway or channel t o self-knowledge and is a gift given to you as an evolutionary tool. The trance state is connected with your “essence.” It’s a native state, “home base” – a meditative state that has all the comforts of “home.”
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