“Astronomers say they have discovered a giant magnetic field that is coiled like a snake around a rod-shaped gas cloud in the constellation Orion.”
– Ker Than, Space ‘Slinky’ Confirms Theory with a Twist
The helical shape of the magnetic field around the gas cloud in the constellation Orion is believed to be caused by matter in the interstellar cloud moving in a straight line along the length of the filament. When this happens, it causes the magnetic field around the cloud to spiral around in a corkscrew pattern. The researchers were able to detect this spiral shape using the Green Bank Telescope, a radio observatory in Virginia. When helical magnetic fields form in plasma, charged particles move along the field lines generating helical currents.
Kundalini is a Sanskrit term meaning either “coiled up” or “coiling like a snake”. It is derived from the term kundala, which means a “ring” or “coil”. Kundalini energy has often been depicted in ancient drawings as a serpent coiled around the back part of the root chakra in three and a half turns (comparable to a solenoid or a compressed helical current) around the sacrum. The phenomenon of “kundalini awakening” gives rise to the bio-energetic phenomena experienced by meditators. The intensified energy is supposed to originate from an apparent reservoir of subtle bio-energy at the base of the spine.
The central vertical currents in the subtle body (described as Ida, Pingala and Sushumna in the yoga literature) are often depicted in the metaphysical (particularly the yoga) literature as a pair of mutually entangled helical currents with straight currents passing through them. They appear in a familiar structure which resembles the caduceus symbol found in medical literature.
Mutually entangled (double spirals) currents are frequently seen in space and laboratory plasmas. This shows that there is a strong connection between plasma dynamics and the formation of the central kundalini and pranic currents in the (supersymmetric) bioplasma body as described by plasma metaphysics. Helical structures can also be found in dusty (or complex) plasma. This article will describe the processes from the viewpoint of plasma metaphysics as to how this structure forms within the bioplasma body, which is composed of complex plasma. According to plasma metaphysics, a series of (dark) bioplasma bodies are coupled to our carbon-based body. These bioplasma bodies can exist independently of the carbon-based body (except for the lower physical-etheric body which is strongly coupled to the carbon-based body).
Absorption and Self-Organization of Particles within the Bioplasma Body
Kundalini and prana particles are considered super(symmetric) particles in plasma metaphysics. The light prana particles are often said to originate from the Sun while heavy kundalini particles are often said to originate from the (fiery) core of the Earth. These two types of particles form plasmas with different characteristics. Plasmas with different characteristics (in this case different densities and temperatures) has a tendency to self-organize into “cells” with double-layers around themselves. Hence, as kundalini and prana particles are absorbed into the bioplasma bodies (via the plasma vortexes or chakras) they self-organize into pools (or reservoirs) of kundalini and prana particles.
In Chinese Qigong studies, qi is said to accumulate in specific areas – identified as “qi vessels” (also sometimes called “qi reservoirs”). There are eight of these qi vessels; four of the most important vessels lie within the torso – including two at the lower abdominal region. These vessels act like the capacitors in electrical circuits which store electrical charge, according to Dr Yang Jwing-Ming – an authority on Qigong. From the perspective of plasma metaphysics, these vessels are plasma cells containing different types of plasma with double layers around them which act like capacitors.
Plasma metaphysics observes that the center of the bioplasma body (coinciding somewhat with the lower abdomen of the biomolecular body) contains a pool of the highest density charged magnetic plasma composed of heavy particles (this plasma can be identified as kundalini-type particles and ‘Earth qi’). In Chinese Qigong this area, just below the navel, is frequently referred to as the “cauldron”. It is separated from a pool of lower density magnetic plasma of an opposite charge (or polarity) near the head composed of light particles (this plasma can be identified loosely with ‘prana-like’ particles and ‘Heaven qi’). An electric field develops in the bioplasma body due to the separation (or polarization) of the plasma and double layers form. (The thermal potential contributes to this polarization.) V N Tsytovich and his colleagues demonstrated, using a computer model of molecular dynamics, that particles in a plasma can undergo self-organization as electric charges become separated and the plasma becomes polarized.
Formation of Double Layers
A double layer is a structure in plasma that consists of two parallel electrostatic layers with opposite electrical charge. The two sheets of charge cause a strong electric field and a correspondingly abrupt change in voltage (or electrical potential) across the double layer. Various types of instabilities may occur with double layers in the laboratory and in space, often arising due to the formation of beams of ions and electrons.
The production of a double layer requires regions with a significant excess of positive or negative charge, that is, where the quasi-neutrality of the plasma is violated. MHD (i.e. Magneto-hydrodynamics) theory does not include the possibility of parallel electric fields while observations of accelerated particles suggest their existence. In general, quasi-neutrality can only be violated on scales of the order of the Debye length. The thickness of a double layer is of the order of ten Debye lengths, which is a few centimeters in the ionosphere, a few tens of meters in the interplanetary medium, and tens of kilometers in the intergalactic medium. We would therefore expect to see only thin double layers within bioplasma bodies.
Formation of Straight and Helical Pranic Currents within the Bioplasma Body
As a result of the formation of an electric field or potential, within the bioplasma body, a straight (or axial) current carrying the lighter charged particles develop initially. This current generates magnetic fields around itself. Based on basic electromagnetics we know that these magnetic fields will be in the form of circular loops around the straight current. These are often described as circular ‘azimuthal’ magnetic fields around straight ‘axial’ currents.
For plasmas immersed in strong magnetic fields, electric currents tend to flow along the magnetic field lines, which act like wires guiding the current. Charged particles entering the ovoid therefore then flow around the azimuthal magnetic field which approximates a tightly wound (i.e. where the turns are close to each other) solenoid. This causes a dipole magnetic field to form, aligned with the axial current and extending outwards at the north and south poles. Along the central currents, the magnetic field lines are relatively straight and uniform.
The application of an axial magnetic field on the azimuthal magnetic field produces magnetic shear and transforms the azimuthal magnetic field into a helical one. As electric charges stream along the helical field lines, a helical current develops. This situation, where a helical current follows a helical magnetic field, is called a “force-free” configuration. The field-aligned current is called a Birkeland current. The density of the Lorentz force j × B generated by Birkeland currents is zero. Although the magnetic field is not in the lowest energy state possible (the vacuum state), it is in a local minimum energy state and so represents a stable equilibrium.
Formation of Straight and Helical Kundalini Currents within the Bioplasma Body
The kundalini current does not develop as rapidly as the pranic current as kundalini consists of heavier, more massive, particles which are more difficult to accelerate. (The “three and a half turns” at the base of the spine, often cited in the yoga literature, suggests a retarded development of the current.) Hence, it is only when the electric field is amplified that sufficient potential is generated to move these particles. The electrical potential can be amplified through certain meditative practices. When the potential reaches a certain threshold, an axial current will ensue followed by a helical current which will develop in a process similar to the development of the pranic currents. As the kundalini current develops from the base of the spine it will be guided by the helical magnetic field lines and would be seen to be slowly rising by twining around the existing axial current in a spiral. Metaphysicist G S Arundale tells us that “kundala represents a coil, spiral or ring, which expresses the way the inner fire unfolds”. In other words, it describes the spiral or helical path that kundalini particles take as they rise from the base of the spine and twirl around the axial current, guided by the helical magnetic field generated by the axial current. According to experimental metaphysicist Charles Leadbeater, the course through which (kundalini) ought to move is spiral. This field-aligned current of kundalini particles is a Birkeland current.
Plasma Dynamics between Pranic and Kundalini Currents
The potential drop across the double layer will accelerate the charged prana and kundalini particles in opposite directions. (Barbara Brennan has observed a vertical flow of energy that pulsates up and down the center of the body. She calls it “the vertical power current”.) The magnitude of the potential drop determines the acceleration of the charged particles. In strong double layers, this will result in beams or jets of charged particles. In the end, the electric field builds up until the fluxes of particles in either direction are equal, and further charge build up in the two plasmas would be prevented if the system was isolated. However, due to fresh intakes of prana and kundalini particles (via the plasma vortexes or chakras) the process continues within the (living) bioplasma body. (Meditative practices sometimes force the kundalini particles back in the opposite direction towards the direction of the pool of kundalini particles which causes disequilibrium. The reverse path is more difficult because the kundalini current will be repelled by the pool of kundalini particles, with the same charge, at the base of the spine.)
The kundalini axial and helical currents together make up the kundalini composite current. The pranic axial and helical currents together make up the pranic composite current. The kundalini composite current is opposite in polarity to the pranic composite current. This would result in a configuration that would be equivalent to a configuration where both composite currents were carrying particles of the same polarity in the same direction. According to Biot-Savart law, the composite currents would therefore exert a magnetic force attracting each other so that the two axial currents come closer together. They will attract each other even at close distances because of their different polarities – unlike the situation where currents of the same polarity are flowing in the same direction. In the latter case, the currents attract when further apart (because of the magnetic force) but repel each other at close distances (due to the electric charge). The helical components of the composite currents, being attracted to each other, then twine around the axial currents like two snakes wrapped around a tree trunk (the “trunk” being represented by the axial currents which form a flux tube).
As the helical currents transport charged particles in plasma, they will glow like bright twisted snake-like fluorescent lamps twined around a bright axial flux tube. Leadbeater says that kundalini is “luminous as lightning”. When kundalini or prana particles are accelerated during meditative practices, (super) electromagnetic waves are radiated and heat is generated. The identification of a signature feature in magnetic plasma (i.e. the helical pinch) in models of the subtle bodies in the metaphysical literature establishes further that subtle bodies are in fact composed of magnetic plasma – more specifically, a magnetic plasma of high energy particles, including the predicted super(symmetric) particles.
© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007
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