The basis of the Platonic ‘Science for ethical ends’, invented during the 3rd Century BC, was sacred geometrical logic. If, as Plato stated, ‘All is Geometry’, then its first principles, together with the ancient use of plane geometry, govern the evolution of ‘All’. Prevailing science accepts that fractal geometrical logic can extend to infinity, yet is in a state of pathological denial that human evolutionary consciousness might embrace that infinite logic. Human emotional functioning is known to express infinite fractal logic.
In this article mainstream science is proven to be based upon a false assumption that is preventing research into the natural process of human evolution. Therefore, it is unethical for present science to continue to allow itself to be governed by the logic upholding only chaotic law, which excludes infinite fractal logic. In particular, it is condemned for preventing research into first principles regarding the study of cancer, as its present structure is completely carcinogenic in nature. This article appeals against the sentencing of humanity to extinction under the jurisdiction of the second law of thermodynamics. It does so on the grounds that the discovery of information energy’s entanglement with entropic law, absolutely negates Chaos’ authority to govern science and human destiny.
At the dawn of civilisation in Mesopotamia the Sumerians invented a mathematical system that now influences 21st Century thinking. For example, a circle still contains 360 degrees and our wristwatches calculate 60 minutes to the hour. This ancient seeding of ideas for futuristic science can be considered to be part of the human evolutionary process. Therefore, it is crucial that we check out the significance of why two very different concepts arose about the use of emotional, sacred geometrical logic, within the development of Egyptian and Babylonian atomic mathematical systems. The fate of civilisation now rests in making that comparison a serious medical consideration about first cause principles being needed to study the nature of carcinogenic growth.
Two states of geometrical logic existed in ancient times. One was related to plane geometry associated with surveying the boundaries of land and the other was about the religious structure of emotional reality. In Babylon the development of sacred geometrical logic was fused into the worship of Ishtar, the ‘Goddess of Prostitution and War’. In 1957 the New York University Library of Science published a book entitled ‘Babylonian Myth and Modern Science’. The book stated that Albert Einstein derived his theory of relativity from Babylonian mythological-mathematical intuition. The ultimate mathematical equation for war, E=Mc2, can be considered to have its origins in Babylonian materialistic culture. Neo-Darwinian concepts argue that survival of the fittest, as the basis of evolution, is ensured through the ruthless ambitions of genes to replicate themselves through procreation. This is related to the Babylonian warrior cult’s amoral sexual mindset, amoral being defined in medical terms concerning a religion promoting the spread of syphilis and gonorrhoea.
In 1881 the French explorer, Gaston Maspero, discovered the Egyptian Pyramid Texts, possibly history’s oldest known religious writings. They were about sacred geometry associated with the atomic theories of the mythological God, Atum, who, from a dark abyss of chaos declared “Let there be Light” bringing matter into existence. Atum, according to later Platonic Greek logic, was a description of a geometrical process creating matter from chaos. The ancient Egyptians similarly developed their own sacred geometrical logic in order to prevent humanity from reverting back into that chaos. That issue is now caught up in a life or death struggle with 20th Century science.
The ancient reasoning concerning human survival is now recognised to be in the form of infinite fractal logic, whereas prevailing quantum mechanics prohibits it from being linked to the living process. 21st Century quantum biology can demonstrate that the information energies, as expressions of infinite fractal logic, govern the evolution of consciousness by their entanglement with Chaos energies. The denial of this fact depicts the working of a carcinogenic mindset that refuses to reconsider its obsession that all life in the universe must be ultimately destroyed. Infinite fractal geometrical logic is mathematically accepted to extend to infinity. Mainstream science remains insistent, that although the human metabolism includes the functioning of infinite logic, humans must become extinct, which is refuted by recent quantum biological discoveries.
In the BBC television documentary about the collapse of the 1st Egyptian Kingdom, the Egyptologist, Fekri Hassan, explains that the compassionate atomic mathematical logic upholding the teachings of Ma-at, the Goddess of ‘Mercy, Compassion and Justice’, had survived into the 2nd Egyptian Kingdom. Hassan noted that it had been fused into Egyptian political law, used by later civilisations to establish legislation for social policies in regards to such services as hospitals and care for the aged. 1st Kingdom paintings make it perfectly clear that the atomic mathematics was directly associated with some sort of an infinite living tradition. Subsequent modern day organised religions carry on the same sort of infinite living concept, but with no attempt whatsoever, to link it to infinite fractal logic mathematics.
In the 6th Century BC the Greek geometer, Thales, who went to Egypt to study ethical political law, was followed by Pythagoras in the 5th Century BC. Their ideas were fused into the Platonic tradition of Greek geometrical thinking, in order to further the Egyptian infinite ethical ideal. During the 3rd Century BC, this endeavour led to the invention of an emotional atomic science in ancient Greece. Plato’s Academy in Athens taught its principles as the ‘Science for Ethical Ends’ and the Epicurean University, Ho Kepos, called it the ‘Science of Universal Love’. The Harvard Smithsonian/NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division Library had published papers by the Science Advisor to the Belgrade Institute of Physics, Professor Petar Grujic, demonstrating that the Greek Creation mathematics was in fact a form of infinite fractal logic. This gives credence to the biological, mathematical structure of the Egyptian theories of an infinite purpose pertaining to the meaning of the universe.
During the 21st Century the logic base upholding quantum mechanics completely collapsed. Einstein’s world-view, governed by the law of universal chaos, had incorrectly sentenced all life in the universe to extinction. Firstly, it had been based upon the false assumption that Newton’s first principles causing gravity were based upon mechanical logic. However, Newton had clearly published in his ’28th Query Discussions’, that gravity was not caused by mass. Newton was adamant that first cause gravitational principles belonged to the Greek emotional ‘Science for ethical ends’ and were most certainly not based upon his other mechanical description of the universe at all.
Whether Newton was right or wrong is not the point. That quantum mechanics was derived from the assumption he had only a mechanical understanding of the workings of the universe is, in Newton’s own words, “feigning hypotheses explaining all things mechanically”. Secondly, Einstein had no idea that another form of energy would be discovered from 21st Century quantum biology cancer research. Information energy entangles with the heat energies of chaos to govern the evolution of emotional consciousness. Einstein’s genius can now be immortalised beyond the limitations of the chaos law he thought governed all of the sciences.
In 1979, following the advice of China’s leading physicist, Kun Huang, the ancient Greek sacred geometrical logic was used by Australian researchers to discover new optics laws governing optimum biological seashell growth and development through space-time. In 1990 the world’s largest technological research institute, ‘IEEE in Washington’, reprinted their work as one of the important discoveries of the 20th Century, alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Sir Francis Crick. In 1995 the ‘Institute for Basic Research’ in the USA advanced the research into the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. As mainstream science cannot generate healthy futuristic life-form simulations, the prevailing world-view was revealed to be based upon carcinogenic, materialist logic.
Mainstream quantum mechanics’ flawed logic base is carcinogenic because it is governed by an energy law that sentences all life in the universe to extinction. Einstein considered that all universal heat must eventually be lost into cold space, with it becoming so frozen that molecular movement sustaining the living process could not function. It is crucial to emphasise that he was unable to comprehend that cancer research in the 21st Century would discover that information energy entangled with the heat energy to evolve universal consciousness. This process was so obvious to the 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, that he wrote a book entitled ‘The Crazy Apes’, referring to the modern scientific mindset. He also argued that the dismissal of the energy entanglement process promoted a cancer growth and development mentality.
The 19th Century mathematician, Georg Cantor, who’s work now upholds most of the fabric of modern science, realised that its scientific mindset was inhabited by a myopic fear of infinity. The term ‘pathological’ being applied to this malfunction of the prevailing scientific mindset, is warranted. In German literature the status of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ‘1749-1832’ is compatible to that of Shakespeare within English literature. Wolfgang Goethe’s colour perception theory allowed for futuristic evolutionary scientific intuitions. His famous quote “If you want to reach the infinite, explore every aspect of the finite” is important. It demonstrates that prevailing mainstream science cannot possibly carry out such essential human survival exploration. Prevailing science cannot allow the rediscovery of ancient infinite fractal geometrical logic to be associated with human evolutionary growth and development because it has sentenced it to extinction.
This situation is no longer morally acceptable and warrants a completely fresh examination of Darwinian evolutionary theory, which was based totally upon an incomplete understanding of the universal heat death law, the second law of thermodynamics. The great international 19th Century Darwinian Debate included two treatises on the evolutionary development of human colour vision. Published in 1877, one of these papers was written by the little known German, Hugo Magnus, and the other by William Ewart Gladstone, of British Prime Ministerial fame.
Gladstone’s paper linking language science with optical colour perception advocated that humans had undergone an evolutionary process from no colour perception to one embracing colours. Although his theory was rejected at the time it has now sprung back into public acclaim. A book about the neurological link between the use of language and colour perception, written by the linguist, Guy Deutscher, published in 2010, has been translated into eight languages. ‘The New York Times, The Economist and the Financial Times’ selected it as one of the best books published in 2010. His work has now expanded Prime Minister Gladstone’s theories into current medical debate, including the quantum biology cancer research conducted in Australia.
The electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science involved a revival of the ancient Greek ethical science, giving electromagnetic properties to its structure. The leader of the Golden Age, the discoverer of the electromagnetic field, was Hans Christian Orsted, whose Doctoral Dissertation was based upon the Platonic research of the philosopher of science, Immanuel Kant. It was about the difference between the meaning of aesthetics, as art appreciation theory, and ethics, which was defined as an electromagnetic description of the Greek concept of ‘Wisdom through Beauty’. Immanuel Kant and his colleague, Emmanuel Levinas, spent a great deal of time and effort in explaining why Plato considered art to be an irresponsible activity within an unethical materialistic society. This issue is now undoubtedly a crucial problem, arresting the development of a healthy human future.
Kant and Levinas, debating this matter in minute detail, concluded that art may distract us from the importance of ethics. They also concluded that art in itself is not ethical, as Plato had emphasised. Plato considered that art was lacking knowledge of a hidden ethical function in the mind. Kant and Levinas considered this mysterious component of ethical creative thought to be an electromagnetic phenomenon. They deduced it to be an ‘asymmetrical electromagnetic lensing’ in the evolving mind.
The late Dr George Cockburn, Royal Fellow of Medicine, London, conducted research into the artistic methodologies of Australian Art-masters over a period of 200 years. He realised that Gladstone and Goethe’s interacting linguistic and colour perception theories had been fully employed within paintings and publications related to colour perception theories being developed by Australian researchers studying the relationship between science and art. Cockburn thought that the methodology involved was intuitively predicting humanity’s evolutionary progress toward some form of technological participation within the holographic reality of Einstein’s protege, David Bohm.
In 1986 Cockburn, in liaison with the University of Sydney, arranged for this work to be investigated by a cancer research team. In 1988 their conclusions were the subject of a feature article written by Dr Calvin Miller, the Science Writer for the Australian Medical Observer. Dr Miller considered that the work was probably the basis of a new Renaissance in scientific thinking.
Following Cockburn’s death in 1998 the literary researcher, Chris Degenhardt, published in 2004 his ‘Review of Dr George R Cockburn’s Book – A Bio-aesthetic Key to Creative Physics and Art’. Degenhardt considered that the paintings might well contain stereoscopic images. The Australian researchers located asymmetrical electromagnetic lensing glasses to further investigate Cockburn’s cancer research theories, and discovered that Dr Cockburn, a distinguished medical doctor, had been correct. Their findings were further investigated by science and art researchers in America and Europe.
By using these glasses to examine the images of paintings over the past centuries very few of them reveal hidden intuitive stereoscopic images. Paintings by van Gogh, Cezanne and a few other artists were the exception. However, during the 21st Century, expressions of this artistic, stereoscopic intuition appear to have dramatically increased. Although linguistically, many art forms are claimed to be stereoscopic in nature, most fail to exhibit stereoscopic imagery when viewed through asymmetrical, electromagnetic lenses. However, linguistically they were definitely being anticipated, giving credence to Gladstone’s 19th Century intuitive linguistic colour perception treatise. Gladstone’s artistic theories about the human evolutionary process are now internationally acknowledged to be of outstanding significance to medical research, in particular cancer research.
Wolfgang Goethe’s colour perception theories also proposed that this evolving process was associated with the intuition of future infinite reality technologies, beyond the pathological limitations of the entropic mindset that the mathematician, Georg Cantor, diagnosed as a mathematical virus inhabiting the modern scientific mind.
From a 21st Century evolutionary perspective the entangling of information energy with the destructive energies of extinction, being associated with first-principle cancer research, an horrific scenario appears relevant. Constant mental and emotional trauma can be associated with cancer. Human emotion, known to function as an infinite fractal expression, is being virtually amputated by what Cantor referred to as a mathematical, mental virus. Science’s unbalanced understanding of emotional creative energy can be seen to have unwittingly unleashed a lethal primordial global confrontation. The ruthless and amoral fighting to ensure the survival of the human species that Darwinian logic attributed to the selfish gene, is now locked into mortal combat with naturally occurring ethical intent.
Medical science is fully aware that the amputation of a limb can disorientate the complex working of the mind. Educated people can experience severe pain from something that does not appear to exist physically. Others can remain in complete denial that the effects of a stroke have paralysed their arm. Likewise, the amputation of a neural mechanism within the brain can bring about a similar disorientation within mental functioning. A diminished awareness or denial of the evolutionary value of human compassion is one such outcome.
Within medical science the mechanism for expressing human compassion has been located functioning within the vagus nervous system, sometimes referred to as the ‘vagus nerve of compassion’. Emotional disorientation associated with the virtual amputation of its natural functioning, can both reduce and reverse its ethical intent, replacing it with the unethical, frenzied aggression instigated by the Neo-Darwinian selfish gene. Plato’s insistence that unethical, irresponsible art is directly associated with the demise of a materialistic civilisation now warrants urgent medical investigation. The primitive compulsion of the aspect of the selfish gene to protect its evolutionary existence against the sentence of extinction demanded by flawed modern science, can be considered to be a very serious carcinogenic issue. A compassionate understanding of this within medical practice should greatly help resolve this unacceptable situation.
The current amoral religious persuasions exciting people to readily accept acts of cruelty is not new. A historical example of such barbarism was the vindictive and senseless torturing and burning alive by Papal decree of the genial scientist, Giordano Bruno, for teaching about the Greek ‘Science of universal love’ at Oxford University. The Christian Church has never since bothered to investigate Bruno’s theories about his scientific concepts of the existence of a Godlike, Universal love, although many acclaim Bruno to be the father of modern science. As there has been no substantial revulsion to this atrocity, this demonstrates that its horror had little effect upon the religious Christian masses. Perhaps the decline of Christian high office, now associated throughout the world with child molestation, represents a contaminated scientific vacuum being replaced by yet other forms of even more proactive and ruthless religious persuasions.
The acceptance of such amoral activity as burning alive an innocent person suggests that the religious aesthetic-artistic beauty of religious pomp and circumstance diminishes the natural function of the neurological vagus compassion circuitry. This would be in accord with Plato’s definition of irresponsible art. Intuitive feelings of hopelessness from millions of poverty stricken people viewing irresponsible art appreciation techniques, accelerating the entropic process, can be easily manipulated for amoral ends by religious fanatics. They can use the concept of the Neo-Darwinian selfish gene syndrome to excite extreme uncontrollable desires from destitute, bewildered or depressed youth. By organising great numbers of poor people to watch irresponsible art being used to induce feelings of want within a highly organised materialistic culture, is not very difficult. Pointing out that satisfying such want is only possible for affluent potential consumers, gullible people can easily be recruited by fanatical organisations trained to extol the concept of the selfish gene struggling to prevent the downfall of humanity.
Expert psychiatric knowhow is now used in artistic design to excite consumer demand within a materialistic culture, one that Plato warned must self destruct civilisation. Poker machines use aesthetically pleasing colour symbols, bringing about chemical imbalances within the mind to escape materialistic emotional boredom. While the constant television bombardment of aesthetically pleasing art forms have become basic to the Western Culture, by Plato’s definition of reality, they lack ethical human survival content. From the viewpoint of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Science, aesthetics is about artistic appreciation of beauty but ethics, in this case, is about the ancient Greek Wisdom Through Beauty given electromagnetic credence.
The fact that religious persuasion associated with the concept of infinity could contaminate scientific endeavour so that quantum mechanics came into existence as a pretentious ideology, is quite sad. However, that is no reason to belittle in any way whatsoever, the incredible scientific discoveries made by people for the betterment of the human condition. All that is needed now is to complete the mechanical description of the universe with what Sir Isaac Newton called a more natural, profound philosophy, based upon the principles of particle movement. In order to glimpse the magnitude of the technology and wealth that will become available when this is achieved, we need to redefine the definitions of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, enhancing the Constitution of the United States of America in the spirit of its original ethical intent.
Alexander Hamilton’s definition of Liberty in the New York Times, to persuade the colonists to vote into existence the American Constitution, reads as follows:
“Liberty is ensured, not by civic virtue but by the design of government itself, which, in turn, rests upon the principles of physics and geometry”.
The only physics principles acceptable at that time belonged to Isaac Newton’s mechanical universal theory – not his complete concept embracing the workings of an infinite universe. The only geometry considered belonged to Euclid’s theories, which excluded infinite fractal geometrical logic. Aristotle’s first principle logic, within his concept of the pursuit of happiness, was of a science to guide ennobling government for the health of the universe, in order that civilisation would not be destroyed. His prediction of that new medical science was given credence by the mathematician, Georg Cantor, who identified the mathematical virus inhabiting the scientific mind that was preventing such a science coming into existence. During the 19th Century the champion of American Democracy, Ralph Waldo Emerson, argued that the omni-technology guaranteeing liberty could only eventuate when infinite mathematical intuition was freed from the shackles imposed upon it by ancient, materialistic, Babylonian mathematical logic.
The three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry established a new medical concept called Fullerene Chemistry, which, structure-wise reflected Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic geometry. Australian researchers, realising that Buckmister Fuller had derived his concept of a synergistic universe from Plato’s mathematics, named his concept of a human survival medical science as Platonic Fullerene Chemistry.
The Australian artistic mathematical research into first-cause cancer principles, during the 20th Century, led to its international acclaim, first in optical mathematics in 1990, then as a peer reviewed optical physics discovery in 1995. In 1972 the Director of the Environmental Division of the Western Australian Academy of Art laid the foundations of Creative Physics. In 1973 the Western Australian Government had awarded the Director a bursary to further investigate his conviction that Buckminster Fuller had derived his human survival theories from the mathematics of Plato. Fourteen years later Harvard University’s Novartis Professor Amy Edmondson wrote a biography about Buckminster Fuller’s research, called ‘The Fuller Explanation’. On page 36 of her biography she gently chides Fuller for having plagiarised the research of Plato. In 2010 the Australian science and art theories were fused into the chemistry of quantum biology by two chemists who were awarded the Giorgio Napolitano Medal on behalf of the Republic of Italy for their quantum biology discoveries.
‘The 3rd Quantumbionet Workshop, 2010, recognised that their work was part of the Florentine New Renaissance conducted by Professor Paolo Manzelli, Professor Massimo Pregnolato and the Australian colour perception researchers. Amy Edmondson wrote that it saddened her that, in general, people knew very little about Fuller’s incredible journey into the past mysteries of Mesopotamia, in particular of those of ancient Egypt. The reason for this, she supposed, was because of their memories as schoolchildren struggling to come to grips with the logic of geometrical mathematics. The adventure that Edmondson wanted to share with people was about the potential of Platonic sacred geometrical intuition leading to the discovery of the key to a new Golden Age. This article is an attempt by artists to share the story with the people.
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