
Disciplines of Discipleship


Everyone, consciously or subconsciously, is following something or someone. Our conscious pursuits will require some degree of discipline. The practicing of adherence to that form of discipline or training has a direct impact of the outcome. Our subconscious pursuits are no more than a leaf blown here and there at the whim of the wind with little or no understanding of our beginning or ending, vanity of vanities. Empty pursuits produce emptiness. Do you know what or whom you are following?

Ongoing practice of a discipline or teaching puts us into the category being a disciple of that particular instruction or teaching. Then, to be taught or trained in a particular form of discipline, requires a teacher. Someone who themselves, having been trained by means of practice or application of what they have been taught, attain their desired outcome. So a legitimate or trustworthy teacher is one who has been taught or discipled. Does someone never having flown an aircraft have the right to disciple a student how to be a pilot? We also would not be wise to choose a teacher whose expertise is mechanical engineering to disciple us in philosophy. We need to be diligent to seek those who have been discipled in that which is our pursuit.

Now to the heart of the matter which I desire to consider with you. Everything seen is temporal. Those things unseen are eternal. If this is true, then only that which is eternal matters. What disciplines are you following or practicing to attain or acquire your pursuit? Who is adequate to number all the ‘things’ available for pursuit here below. I believe those ‘things’ are summed up in this, ” all the things of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life, are passing away… , but the one who does the Will of God lives forever.”

If the preceding statement is true, shouldn’t we give some consideration and examination of what we are being taught? Is it wise then to pursue or follow the teaching of gaining all this world offers when we know we came into this world naked and we will leave the same way? If we contemplate the possibility or maybe even hope of riches that are imperishable, undefiled, and do fade away, is that not worthy of consideration? The next time we will discuss these two fields or disciplines of teaching.


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