
Energy Efficient LED Lights


LED light bulbs are gaining popularity these days. Many establishments are already using LED instead of incandescent bulbs for many reasons. Here are the advantages that you can get from using this type of lighting:

Lifetime Use – One of the major advantages of LED among other types of bulbs is that it lasts longer than others do. A typical LED bulb has a lifetime of approximately 100,000 hours compared to fluorescent bulbs which only have from hundred to ten thousand hours of lifetime. 100,000 thousand hours of LED lifetime is equivalent to 11 years of continuous or non-stop operation.

Energy Efficiency – Another great characteristic that a LED bulb offers is its energy efficiency. LED bulbs are also more energy efficient than other types of bulbs. When a LED bulb is properly designed, you might be able to save up to 80% of energy.

No UV Emissions – because of the technology and material used in making a LED bulb, when used, the LED bulb itself does not emit any Ultraviolet radiation that is harmful for humans and the environment. Aside from not emitting UV radiations, the level of infrared that LED lights emit is very small or low.

Size and Design Flexibility – What is great about using LED is that it is very small and can fit nearly everywhere you want to install it. This makes it ideal to use in places where ordinary incandescent and fluorescent bulbs will not fit.

Low Heat Emission – Another great feature that LED offers is that it only emits a very little amount of heat. The heat that LED emits is so low that you will not even notice the heat it emits unless you touch the bulb itself or get very near to it.

Though LED is more expensive than fluorescent and other types of light bulbs, still you are able to save more money from them. This is because a LED bulb has to be replaced occasionally while other bulbs have to be replaced regularly. Though the technology for LED has only been developed and researched for this past 20 years, there have already been many applications for the said technology.

Choosing the light bulb for your home is very important, not just in making your home look beautiful but also in keeping your family safe from harmful radiation and in saving energy to the budget can go a longer way.


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