For many of those who do a lot of traveling, there if often the need of power by an appliance of some type. This is particularly useful for many of those who go camping often or take numerous RV trips. For those in positions such as that, inverter generators can become incredibly useful in order to power appliances such as microwaves, radios, televisions, satellites, etc. Since there is much moving needed in instances like this, a small and portable generator is required. That is why Yamaha generators have created a variety of inverter generators in order to accommodate needs of all types.
An inverter generator is a device that takes direct current (DC) from a source such as batteries, fuel cells, and even solar panels and converts it to alternating current (AC) that is used by many appliances. With different technical features, inverter generators have the capability to put power out in different voltages and frequencies as is needed by the appliances.
Yamaha generators have developed a number of highly portable inverter generators for use in applications such as camping. They are very small and lightweight, some weighing in at only 27 pounds. With their small size come low noise capabilities. There are actually several features of the Yamaha inverter generators that can help to reduce the noise produced by the generator. One of these is the casing around the generator. The casings are built out of glass wool and offer superior noise absorption. Furthermore, with the adjustable engine output, the noise of the generator can further be reduced by putting it on a lower setting when it does not have to function at full load. This results not only in noise reduction, but also in better fuel efficiency as well.
Another added benefit of Yamaha inverter generators is the long run time. For even the smallest of their models, the generator can last up to 12 hours on ¼ load and their largest lasts about 13.3 hours on ¼ load. Even though there is a difference between lasting 12 hours on.66 gallons of fuel and lasting 13 hours on 4.5 gallons of fuel, the power output between the two is much bigger. Obviously, the more that is demanded from the generator, the less it will last. However, Yamaha generators boast variable engine speed. This means that they will automatically adjust their power output to accommodate the load. This results in better fuel efficiency as the generator will not be producing unneeded power.
Yamaha inverter generators can range greatly in price. Some cost as little as $700 while others can cost up to $3,000. It is truly up to the buyer to decide what is needed in terms of size. Those who only require a generator for minimal use may find that the smallest model suits their needs. However, for those who enjoy the comfort of running many appliances while away from home, a larger model may be called for. However, Yamaha generators are made to be able to accommodate nearly any budget and fit practically every use.
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