We spend a third of our life in our bedroom, it is the room we retire to at the end of the day for rest, relaxation and to recharge our internal batteries. Because of this it is very important that our bedroom promotes a sense of calm and that the energy supports us in getting a good night’s sleep.
How we decorate our bedroom and how we use, or in some cases abuse our bedroom can work against us and prevent us from getting the great night’s sleep our body and mind deserves. In this article I share with you the ten most common problems I come across with bedrooms and explain simple yet effective ways in which these problems can be overcome.
10 – Bookshelves in the bedroom
Having books in the bedroom and especially if you have lots of books on a bookshelf stimulates your mind and does not promote a restful nights sleep. The easiest, and I have to say the best cure, is to take the bookshelves out and place them in another part of the house. If this is impossible or impractical cover the shelves with either cupboard doors or fabric so that you cannot see the books when you go to bed at night.
9 – A Sleigh Bed
Sleigh style beds are becoming very common in the UK and I have to say they look very stylish in a bedroom. The problem with this style of bed however is that the head and the foot curve in which can give the impression of pressing down on the occupants of the bed. To cure this problem you need to lift the energy by placing something light above the bed, a crystal will work best or a stylish light fitting.
8 – Bed too low to the ground
If your bed is too low to the ground then energy cannot flow underneath effectively. Beds ideally should have plenty of space between the mattress and the floor. If it is not practical to put the mattress on a base, then you can place a red sheet or cloth the exact size of the bed underneath to stimulate chi
7 – Beams over the bed
Exposed beams above the bed cause problems in a number of ways. A beam lengthways down the bed can cause two people in a relationship to live separate lives as it has the impact of dividing the couple. If you are not in a relationship it can still be challenging as it has the effect of weighing down on a person causing problems and worries. A beam across the bed can cause illness in the part of the body that the beam crosses, so if it crosses the legs a person can find they have aches and pains in their knees or legs, crossing the chest can cause chest pains and breathing problems and if it crosses the head the person can suffer from headaches or migraines.
Covering the beam by putting in a false ceiling or taking the beam out altogether is th best solution although this is often not practical, and to be avoided if the beam is load bearing. There are however other solutions that can be more practical and which are just as effective.
Hanging two bamboo flutes from the ceiling above the bed so that they cross the beam making a shape like the bottom of an octagon has the benefit of drawing any negative energy upwards. Alternatively you can disguise the beam with drapes of fabric that are in the colours that correspond with the bagua area of the bedroom, so pinks and creams if your bedroom is in the relationship area, reds or turquoise if it is in the wealth area or shades of green if it is in the family area.
6 – Sloping Ceilings
Having a similar effect to beams, a sloping ceiling over the bed can make the occupants of the bed feel the weight of worries and problems as they sleep. In this instance it is best to hang a crystal above the bed, remembering to hang it from a piece of red ribbon or thread that is 9 inches in length
5 – Clutter under the bed
Clutter under the bed, whether this is in drawers under the bed or piled in boxes has the effect of blocking the natural flow of chi around and underneath the bed. There is only really one cure for this, take the boxes out and store them somewhere else.
4 – Mirrored Wardrobes
A lot of people seem to favour mirrored wardrobes but they can really disrupt the natural flow of energy and have a very destructive effect on a natural night’s sleep. If you really must have mirrored wardrobes try and find someway of covering them during the night, whether that be by placing a decorative screen in front of the wardrobes or by hanging some voile across the mirrors.
3 – Metal bed
A metal bed can disturb the flow of energy around the bed harming the restful effects of positive chi. If you have a metal bed, or even just a metal headboard you can minimise the negative effects of this by covering the metal with a soft sensual fabric, silk works best
2 – Ensuite bathroom
Ensuite bathrooms are now very common in most modern homes and it is very rare that I run a course where nobody has an ensuite bathroom in their bedroom. Bathrooms are not bad but can, if not carefully designed and decorated lead to the draining away of chi. Ensure that your bathroom is kept clear of clutter, that the toilet, sink, bath and shower are all clean and in good working order and ensure fresh towel, crystals and plants are in abundance. To strengthen positive chi in the bedroom even further always ensure you keep the bathroom door closed when sleeping
1 – TV or Computer in the bedroom
Without question, the most common problem I see with bedrooms is a TV or a computer in the room. This really is not to be advised but I accept that sometimes a bedroom has a multiple of uses. If you must have a TV or computer in your bedroom, house it in a cabinet or cover it with a cloth or a blanket when it is not in use. A TV is a conduit of fast flowing electrical energy and can harm sleeping patterns leading to a disturbed night’s sleep.