Most of us use the words art and paintings interchangeably. When we thing about these creations, usually what comes to mind is of gallery’s or where we can place these paintings inside our homes. For the outdoor areas what comes to mind is of sculptures or plaques. Outdoor wall art offers the same opportunities for you to decorate outdoors as you would indoors. You can have beautifully designed replicas of famous paintings right in your own back yard.
These outdoor wall paintings can safely be hung outdoors for year round enjoyment. They have a look of stretched canvas and it has UV inks that are printed directly on to the aluminum. The artwork wraps around the sides giving the picture an amazing three dimensional quality. The reproduction quality is so precise it is almost impossible to tell it is not a real canvas. The surface coating has been scientifically tested to with stand the harshest weather conditions. The canvas can be smooth or faux finish texture. Aluminum is a lightweight metal with a bright silvery luster. It is strong and resistant to the elements which make it perfect for outdoor use.
You can now be confidant decorating your decks, patios, pool areas and garden walls with outdoor wall art. It is resistant to fading, moisture, oxidation, peeling, freezing temperatures and UV rays. This is the perfect way to add character and color to your garden walls. It will add elegance and prestige of fine art to any outdoor setting.
One nice feature is that it requires very little maintenance. If any dirt or dust accumulates just wash with mild soap and this can be hosed off with water. Most paintings come with mounting brackets and fasteners. It secures virtually to any outdoor surface including brick, stucco, wood, stone or siding.
Outdoor wall art allows you to create an open air gallery as large as your imagination will allow, while adding another dimension to your garden area. This decor brings the gift of wonder back into your life and your surroundings.
Finding the right piece of art can be a daunting task. Here are a few of examples you should look for to complete your style of decor. If the rest of your decor is of an antique design, look for romanticism or impressionism. For a more traditional outdoor wall art try vintage or retro art. For contemporary or modern you can select art deco, pop art or abstract. Whichever style you are certain to find a variety of colors, shapes and sizes to fulfill your needs.
By my pool area I have hung upon the walls a piece of art of a beach front scene. There are sea gulls flying around with the view of rushing waves. Whenever I am gazing at it I seem to be transported into total relaxation. Around my fence I have outdoor wall art of hummingbirds feeding, cardinals bathing and blue jays in flight. Last week I added a small picture of a fury mother and baby squirrel scampering up a tree with an acorn in the mom’s mouth.
If you’re seeking that special gift, this can also be your answer. I have a good friend that moved away and I had a piece of art custom made for her. From a photograph a company was able to replicate her family standing around her old house. To this day whenever we talk there is always a comment about that painting and how much it meant to her.
As you can see, your only limitation for this decor is your imagination. Become creative let loose and you will be inspired to keep adding more as your landscape becomes more unique and inspiring.
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