
Pros and Cons of Light Therapy


In recent years, treatments using lights has proven to be a good medical alternative to a variety of ailments ranging from sleep disorders, pain, acne attacks, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and mild depressions. One very good point for the alternative is the effectiveness compared with the other forms of treatments in terms of ease of use, costs, time and effort.

The other factors considered are the facts that light therapy is non-invasive and drug-free at most. For SAD and mild depression, there is no more need to buy anti-depressant medications that are sometimes contra-indicated with the patients otherwise unknown illnesses and may cause complications. There is no more need for such actions as injections and the like to medicate these afflictions like the old ways in treating acne, for instance.

Advantages of Light Therapy

The light used for therapy are five to twenty time brighter than regular lights, and sports around 10,000 (lux) on average. This can be advantageous if you want faster results in your treatments. It is only natural that patients show improvements exposed to natural lights. However, in severe cases, a device is needed to produce higher luminosity levels of light to be effective.

Lately, LED technology is now used for the bright light treatments for the convenience of patients. Again, patients are found to show improvements exposed to such natural light sources as the sun. Studies, however, had proved that these procedures (done according to specifications by dermatologists) produce better results than natural healing. One consideration is how intense the ministration of the treatment itself.

Some Precautions on Light Therapy

Just like any other treatment, it is always best to consult your doctor or a competent health professional before embarking on self-medication using lights. For example, not all types of acne can be effectively handled by this medical procedure. If your dermatologist recommends this therapy form, by all means, follow his advice to the letter.

Skin sensitivity must also be tested before doing any treatment. Removing makeup and other products on your skin is advisable before a light therapy medication. Light boxes can also vary its effectiveness. While it might be good for some people, others get little or no effect at all. Your dermatologist or doctor can help you assess the situation rather than embarking on decisions of your own. There are theories on this regarding the right spectrum of light to use, the duration of the treatment, or the intensity (or otherwise) of the treatments during the sessions.

You need to consult your doctor after about a month of light therapy to check on the effectiveness. If there are considerable improvements, you can proceed to purchase the in-home light therapy device or devices you need. Increasing the duration, frequency of treatments, or the intensity of the treatment sessions need to be cleared with your doctor or a health professional after evaluating your present progress, or lack.

Treatments should proceed with caution for people who have other active skin troubles in the treated areas. The same is true for people who are extra sensitive to bright lights. Necessary precautions are always the best policy.


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Pros and Cons of Light Therapy


In recent years, treatments using lights has proven to be a good medical alternative to a variety of ailments ranging from sleep disorders, pain, acne attacks, SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and mild depressions. One very good point for the alternative is the effectiveness compared with the other forms of treatments in terms of ease of use, costs, time and effort.

The other factors considered are the facts that light therapy is non-invasive and drug-free at most. For SAD and mild depression, there is no more need to buy anti-depressant medications that are sometimes contra-indicated with the patients otherwise unknown illnesses and may cause complications. There is no more need for such actions as injections and the like to medicate these afflictions like the old ways in treating acne, for instance.

Advantages of Light Therapy

The light used for therapy are five to twenty time brighter than regular lights, and sports around 10,000 (lux) on average. This can be advantageous if you want faster results in your treatments. It is only natural that patients show improvements exposed to natural lights. However, in severe cases, a device is needed to produce higher luminosity levels of light to be effective.

Lately, LED technology is now used for the bright light treatments for the convenience of patients. Again, patients are found to show improvements exposed to such natural light sources as the sun. Studies, however, had proved that these procedures (done according to specifications by dermatologists) produce better results than natural healing. One consideration is how intense the ministration of the treatment itself.

Some Precautions on Light Therapy

Just like any other treatment, it is always best to consult your doctor or a competent health professional before embarking on self-medication using lights. For example, not all types of acne can be effectively handled by this medical procedure. If your dermatologist recommends this therapy form, by all means, follow his advice to the letter.

Skin sensitivity must also be tested before doing any treatment. Removing makeup and other products on your skin is advisable before a light therapy medication. Light boxes can also vary its effectiveness. While it might be good for some people, others get little or no effect at all. Your dermatologist or doctor can help you assess the situation rather than embarking on decisions of your own. There are theories on this regarding the right spectrum of light to use, the duration of the treatment, or the intensity (or otherwise) of the treatments during the sessions.

You need to consult your doctor after about a month of light therapy to check on the effectiveness. If there are considerable improvements, you can proceed to purchase the in-home light therapy device or devices you need. Increasing the duration, frequency of treatments, or the intensity of the treatment sessions need to be cleared with your doctor or a health professional after evaluating your present progress, or lack.

Treatments should proceed with caution for people who have other active skin troubles in the treated areas. The same is true for people who are extra sensitive to bright lights. Necessary precautions are always the best policy.


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