
SEO Tools to Learn


Your online business will thrive if you have mastered the art of search engine optimization or seo. Search engine optimization will increase the chances that your website will be seen by customers who are ready to do business. If you know the basics of seo, your website will be ranked higher and will appear among the top search results. This will enable customers to easily see your website. There are several tools that you can use to help you in your online marketing. These seo tools are as follows:

Google keyword planner. When you are putting content or articles in your website, you should know the right keywords to use. Google keyword planner is a great seo tool to help you determine which keyword or keyword phrases has the higher search volume. With the keyword planner, you will be able to know which version of the keyword phrase to use that will give you more traffic to your website. The keyword planner will also give you information on what the customers are expecting to read on your website’s page.

Google trends. Another tool that seo experts are using is Google Trends. This tool will show you people’s interest for a specific keyword phrase over a period of time. Basically, this tool will help you in determining when you should post your content. Google Trends will show you what potential customers are searching for and the period when a specific keyword is search the most. This tool is important since it will let you know when the right time to post new content in your website is.

Plagiarism checkers. Search engines frown upon the use of duplicate contents. If you need to post an already existing content, you must properly give credit to the original author or else, search engines will see your content as being plagiarized and this content will not be allowed to be posted. There are a lot of plagiarism checkers that you can use for free that will determine the authenticity of any content that you are about to post in you website.

Common sense. If you are doing your own writing, you should keep in mind that writing blogs and web articles is not enough. You should always write content with a specific goal in mind that is to get your readers to purchase what product or service you are selling. Google keyword and Google trends can give you a list of different versions of keywords that you can use which are related to your product. However, you must use these keywords in such a way that it flows naturally throughout the article. Bombarding your article with a lot of keywords may trick the search engines to give you a higher ranking, this practice will not be appealing to your potential customers since they are the ones who are going to read your content.

In writing content for your website, remember that you should always write for people first before you write for the search engines. One way to make sure that you have good quality content is to either read your work out loud or have another person read them too.


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