Speculations about the man who bears this number are wide and include things like that of the Pope, based on his title. Following my reincarnation and strong link to the Spirit of the Universe many visions were given to me during a time of great learning. One such vision was while dressing one morning when the words CONSTANTINE IS 666 appeared in large black letters before my eyes. It was never on my mind prior to that time.
The facts are that even the name Constantine was almost foreign to me. Led then to the encyclopaedia some easy research soon revealed why this emperor is the Second Beast of Revelation.
The first name that the book opened at was Constantius, who was his father. Next thing revealed was that his mother was the daughter of a fish-monger and that Constantine was born and reared in England. That means he was English by birth and not Roman. That was important to know in the light of what followed.
The puzzle would have been easily resolved were it not for a strange twist. The Spirit led me to the Assyrian alphabet numbering system before showing me that Constantius and Constantine are both Constant in English. That means that the Latter is Constant II but why was the Assyrian alphabet employed to give him the number 666.
To understand that meant going to the heart of the Roman migration from Assyria. Tracing them all the way back to Babylon it became apparent that what emerged from that city was a race of people called the Amor (Amorites). They were responsible for the Persian Empire.
Further research showed their brutality as conquerors and how they were responsible for the fall of Egypt into their hands. They were Islamic and worshippers of the sun and they took this religion with them into the Mediterranean regions where they built their next capital city, Roma (reverse Amor). The Assyrian Amorites became the Romans.
This appeared to wipe out all trace of their previous history but the Spirit led me into many of the great mysteries to show how it allowed Constantine to do his work. In 325 AD he established the Roman Catholic Church and invented Jesus Christ (Revelation 13:12-18). He put Mary, the Mother God of Babylon (the sun) into it as the Mother of God.
The numbering system of the Assyrian alphabet applies to his name because he was of that nationality by descent. He was also Islamic by religion and when his name as Constant II is added up it comes to 666. At this time English is the most widely used language and it is appropriate to unravel the puzzle. It is also through the Internet that the answers are freely available for all people everywhere.
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