In today’s progressive technological scenario, various tools and techniques are available to analyze and optimize websites for top ranking on SERP (Search Engine Result Page). An effective and efficient implementation of seo activities will also improve the online popularity of the website.
If “How could seo activities help online businesses?,” is your question, then the answer is very simple; you need to build websites that are seo friendly.
Coming to the topic of making your websites seo friendly, below mentioned is a checklist for making your website seo friendly.
Usability: Create a professional looking and well designed website to increase traffic to your website and to provide utmost user experience to visitors who lands on the website.
Navigation: A website should have consistent navigation throughout the website. The number of clicks required to move from one page to another will be cut down, if a good site map and a navigation menu on a web site will be implemented.
Good attractive title: Good titles should include important keywords on the page, which would be useful for both the users as well as for the search engines. The title should be brief (not more than 70 characters), attractive and descriptive.
Meta description: A well written meta description is a vital aspect of on page optimization as it provides the best chance of search engines displaying the snippet of text you require below your listing in the search result. When targeted keywords are included in the meta description, the keywords are highlighted and displayed in bold and this will help in highlighting your search result to potential visitors.
Responsive: Responsive web designing is all about making a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing websites which would provide the best user experience across all devices. This type of website is also easier to manage from an seo perspective as they need not have 2 different sets of activities one for desktop and the other for mobiles.
Quality content with relevant keywords: Always ensure that the content in your website grabs the attention of the reader and offers them a value. The content should be interesting, informative and relevant to the intended audience. A well written content will prompt other sites to link to your page. Use relevant keywords and place them appropriately at various places in the content.
Content formatting like choosing the appropriate font face, font style, font colour etc. also plays a vital role in making your website SEC friendly.
Blog: Informative blog post attracts visitors, help increase your search engine visibility, drive more traffic to your website and generate more leads and sales for businesses.
Social Media: Social media has become one of the many factors search engines take into consideration when indexing content across the web. Various social media sites, such as Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., can be used to post text, images & videos and thus promote your products easily. Hence, use social media for brand name popularity and brand awareness.
Browser Compatible: The website should be optimized for all major browsers.
Therefore, we can confidently say that by optimizing your website, you can increase your reach to larger audiences, engage your visitors on your website with quality content and eventually you will able to convert your visitor to leads and then as potential customers. On the whole, it can be affirmed that a seo friendly website.
It is not only important to develop an attractive website, but also it is equally important to follow certain search guidelines to make the site seo friendly. By making the website search engine friendly, you can easily increase the visibility of the site, improve ranking and increase the conversion rate and all these will a positive impact on your business and ROI. On the whole, it can be affirmed that a seo friendly website adds wings to your business.