
CBSE Sample Papers and Guess Papers


CBSE date sheet 2011 is soon to be announced. Class 10th & 12th date sheet and detailed exam schedule is released by the CBSE board for the convenience of the students taking the board exams 2011. CBSE sample & guess papers are available from a number of sources.

CBSE Sample Papers & Guess Papers

CBSE papers and guess papers are basically developed on the lines of the actual CBSE papers. The trends for various years are taken into consideration and papers will typical questions are prepared as sample tests are prepared. Guess papers are also made the same way.

Students can procure CBSE guess papers from a number of sources. Online education portals carry multiple sample papers that can be either downloaded or taken online. CBSE tests available as online tests are usually timed tests. Such tests are a great to work on the test taking speed. There are tactics and strategies as well to improve the speed and the score.

For improving the test taking speed for CBSE sample & guess papers, a quick analysis of all the questions in the CBSE question paper is advised. This quick skimming would give an idea of the easiest and the most difficult questions. Accordingly the candidate should take the easiest questions first, moderate questions next and the difficult set of questions in the end. This approach works well in securing the maximum marks.

Apart from online source of sample practice tests, another source for procuring the CBSE question papers and guess tests is book stores. All book stores that sell academic books sell a bunch of the CBSE tests compiled in a book form. Class Xth & XIIth students can take the collection of these papers for each subject. They usually contain important questions for previous years. These can also be practiced as timed tests to gain the maximum benefit out of the practice session being spent with them.

Besides, it is important to have a defined strategy and revision time schedule. The schedule needs to be designed in a way that there is ample time for revision of all the subjects. Before candidates moves to practice sample papers & other papers, a thorough comprehension of the concepts & important theories is required. Students should complete the CBSE syllabus first and then practice. The CBSE exam schedule 2011 will be announced soon.


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