
Red, Green, Yellow: Life-Lessons From Traffic Lights



Yesterday, August 5, 2015, in celebration of the 101st Anniversary of the traffic signal system, Google’s doodle showed the first traffic light system ever created. Traffic lights are the last things that anyone would praise instead people often complain about the tickets they received due to red light cameras that never seem to be functioning properly.

Those of us that walk on a regular basis rely on the traffic signal system in order to cross the road safely yet many pedestrians hold strong feelings about traffic lights. They typically complain that traffic lights take too long to change despite the fact that they press the button multiple times.

The 101st Anniversary of the traffic signal system forces us to consider the positive aspects of traffic lights. The traffic signal system represents the signals that arise in our lives directing us to stop, slow down and proceed. This article will shed new insight on those signals.


The red light represents restraint and it informs us to stop immediately. When we see red we understand that if we proceed we may end up causing a major accident. Many of us complain about being stuck at red lights as we are always in a rush to get to our destinations. Those of us that use red lights effectively take the opportunity to reflect on life.

There are times in life when we must stop. Some of these moments arise when we are acting in ways that will harm our health while these signals can also be seen when we are acting in ways that may have a negative impact on our families. We ignore these signs and allow our situation to worsen. When life tells us to stop specific actions we must listen and take the steps to alter our lives and get back on the right track.


The yellow light tells us to slow down. It gives us the opportunity to analyze the intersection and act accordingly. Many of us fail to listen to the yellow lights’ message and we speed right through them.

The yellow lights in your life are informing you that you are living life too fast. If you slow down you will be able to make more strategic decisions that will lead you closer to your goals. If you continue to live at the pace that you have been maintaining you may burn out. Listen to your yellow lights and slow down.

Keep On Pushing

There is nothing like the green light. It informs us that we are good to go and we are able to continue our journeys uninterrupted. Green lights come in a wide variety of forms yet their message remains consistent: Keep on pushing.

Find the green lights in your life that encourage you to keep pushing. You may hit a pothole that leads to a flat tire yet you have implement the appropriate maintenance in preparation for the next green light. Moreover, why would you stop when the light says GO!


Every time you see a traffic light remind yourself to obey the signals in your life: Stop when you are harming yourself, slow down to plan strategically and go when life presents opportunities.


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