
How to Get More Natural Backlinks to Your Website


While buying backlinks from sellers on sites like SEOClerks or Fiverr is frowned upon by many people, if they are used only as a part of your overall backlink building strategy, paid links can give your search engine results a boost.

The best links, however, and the ones that Google would rather a site has, are the links that occur naturally, because they are an indication of the popularity and trustworthiness of a website. In an ideal world, a website would get linked to, simply because of its high quality content, but in reality, website owners need to be a bit more proactive in generating those links for themselves.

If you have a website or a blog and you want it to rank highly on Google and other search engines, here are some of the ways that you can generate more backlinks to your site.

Article directories

Article directories are a good way to get permanent backlinks to your site and they can bring traffic as well. On the highest quality article sites, such as EzineArticles, you can place two backlinks per article. However, articles published on these sites do need to be written properly and they can’t be overly self-promoting.

Blog commenting

Placing comments on other people’s blogs is another simple option. Most blogs allow comments and on most of them you can add a URL, either to the comment itself or to your user profile. You will need to make your comments meaningful and useful, though, or they will simply be removed as spam.

Participating in forums

If you join forums that are related to the niche of your website or blog, you will be able to leave comments on existing threads or start your own threads. You can usually add your website address to your forum profile, possibly include it in your profile signature, and sometimes use it in your comments. Just like blog commenting, though, you can’t spam on a forum, or the moderators will remove your comments and possibly bar you from the site.

Guest blog posts

Guest posting on other people’s blogs will get you some more niche specific links to your site. If you can offer useful and informative content that will be of interest to the readers of a blog, the blog owner may publish a guest post for you that includes a link back to your site.

Encourage the sharing of your content

Make the sharing of your content easily done by adding share buttons to each post. If the platform you have used to develop your site does not already have share buttons available, there are plenty of free services that will supply you with a share button widget that you can add to your site. You can easily encourage more people to share your content by asking. Just leave a friendly reminder to share at the end of each post.

Social bookmarks

Adding your URLs to social bookmark sites, such as StumbleUpon and Reddit, will gain you valuable backlinks as well as traffic. To avoid being accused of spamming, you will need to be seen to participate properly in the site, which will mean liking other people’s bookmarks and adding bookmarks from other sites as well as your own.

These are just some of the ways that you can generate backlinks for your website and they are things that you can do on a regular basis. The best strategy is to put aside one hour a day for seo tasks and to create more links. Unfortunately, it’s an ongoing process that will take some time, but ultimately, it will improve your rankings on Google and other search engines.


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