There are six main steps to increase website traffic and whether you are doing it manually or using a powerful automation tool, the thing you need to remember is that your online marketing promotions must be consistent otherwise you’ll keep “chasing your tail.”
Let’s take a look at the six stages on increasing website traffic.
#1. Keyword Research
This is the foundation to the success of your marketing campaign. Get this wrong and your campaign will more than likely bomb. Here’s a neat trick if you don’t own an expensive keyword tool:
– Go to the Google search box – Begin typing in your broad keyword – Watch the drop down menu and jot down the suggestions from Google as you type your keyword in – Then keep typing in the words you write down and in no time you’ll have a big list of keywords
#2. Create Articles
Creating articles is the most effective and low cost way of generating targeted traffic back to your websites. You write content around the keywords you came up with and submit them to article directories. Ezine Articles and Articles Base are two of the best. Make sure you are consistent with this in fact, try to submit at least an article a day. Link back to your main site in the resource box.
#3. Web 2 Submission
Many Web 2 sites are great for submitting your content to. Once your articles get approved at the article directories re-write the content and submit it to a group of web 2 sites. Make sure the content actually is helpful the readers and not sales pitches. Also be careful with the number of links you create. To “stay in the good books” with these platforms create links in moderation and never more than two per article with one in your first paragraph.
#4. Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking has become huge and a great way to get backlinks back to your sites although many question whether it’s as effective as it used to be. As one part of an overall strategy it’s extremely effective and that’s what we are talking about here. Onlywire is a great service and an easy way to auto-syndicate your content all over the web.
#5. Video Marketing
A must for getting increased targeted traffic to your websites. Creating videos is powerful simply because major search engines like Google rate them highly. Many steer clear of creating videos because it seems like hard work but that’s a big mistake. Submitting to services such as You Tube and them promoting the video by submitting your RSS feed and bookmarking can get you noticed quickly. Make sure you optimize the title when submitting with your main keyword and link back to your main site in the description.
#6. RSS Submissions
Again a great way to get your content syndicated all over the web and RSS submissions can be a powerful way to get this achieved. There are many aggregation services you can submit to such as Feed Age, Feed Agg and Feed Raider. Don’t expect a rush of traffic immediately but the idea is that this is part of your overall strategy and when they are all working in unison, getting increased targeted traffic to your websites becomes a breeze.