We’ve all heard about Nibiru, the mysterious Planet X that may be coming to destroy civilization as we know it – but where did the Sumerian Doomsday prophecy come from?
In 1851 in Iraq archaeologists discovered a library with 22,000 scrolls – which is the earliest writing on Earth, dating back to over 6,000 years ago when the region was known as Mesopotamia, Sumer, and Babylon. Amongst them is a story which mirrors the book of Genesis in the Bible. It tells a story of a great flood which reshaped the face of the planet Earth and killed all of the inhabitants. But even more important to us today, living as we are under the shadow of a coming 2012 Doomsday they also unearthed a star map on a pottery cylinder seal. It shows a solar system with twelve elements in it, not just the nine we know today! (This incredible, priceless Sumerian cylinder seal is now stored a Berlin museum.) The seal depicts our solar system with a sun at the center and the planets arrayed around it – facts not fully accepted by European science until around 400 years ago. And amazingly there’s another planet, which the Sumerians called Nibiru. They believed that it was where the Annunaki, or the Celestial Giants, came from. They were the first people on earth – and our ancestors.
We can’t see Niburu at the moment because it is hidden behind the sun as it returns from its massive orbit beyond the furthest reaches of the solar system – but 6000 years ago the Sumerians could see it plainly in the night sky, maybe even in the daytime. Imagine what a sight that must have been!
The name Nibiru itself gives us a very chilling clue about what could happen in 2012 – Niburu translates as ‘planet of the crossing’. That means Nibiru will appear again in 2012 as it crosses through our part of the solar system – possibly on a direct intersection course with Earth. This is what the Sumerian 2012 Doomsday Prophecy is all about. Very few people on Earth would survive an impact from Nibiru. The devastation would be truly cataclysmic. The dinosaurs didn’t survive the last massive impact from space, but with the right know-how and good planning now – your family can.
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