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What Is Copper Repiping and How Do I Know If It’s Time for It?


As your home ages, so do your pipes. You don’t notice it because they are

hidden. But just as the exterior of your house needs maintenance, so do

your pipes. With time, pipes are prone to corrode or crack. It’ll be

natural for them to experience some problems, but at some point, repiping

will be necessary.

So how can you know if it’s better to repair or to repipe? Here are some

things for you to consider.

When is repair convenient?

Repairing your pipes is recommended when they have been installed within

the last 20 years.

Depending on the material of your pipes, they can last somewhere between 50

to 75 years. Chances are you might only need a repair. But that doesn’t

mean you shouldn’t take care of them as soon as problems arise.

A small leak can turn into a severe problem if it’s left unattended. Don’t

underestimate your leaking or clogging problems. As soon as you notice a

problem with your pipes, call a professional plumber to avoid unnecessary


What is copper repiping?

Copper repiping is replacing your current plumbing with new pipes that are

usually made of copper. For example, if you live in an old house, your

house probably has galvanized pipes that will need to be replaced with new

copper pipes.

Replacing all the pipes in your property may sound like a scary process,

but it is necessary to avoid major plumbing issues in the future. Also, it

is important to be aware that replacing your pipes isn’t just for water

lines,it also useful for old sewer and gas lines.

How do I know if it’s time for repiping?

When old pipes become corroded or clogged, the best course of action is to

replace them. If you don’t do it, they could easily develop leaks that

could cause serious damage to your property.

Here is a list of things that you can be in the look for to know if it

might be time for replacing the pipes in your property:

• Brown or rust-colored water coming from your faucet.

• Water having a bad taste or an unpleasant smell.

• Leaking.

• Evident signs of corrosion.

• There is a damp in the foundation and you don’t know why.

• Significant drop in your property’s water pressure.

Benefits of Copper repiping

Copper repiping is an important service that saves you the huge costs of

damages caused by extensive water flow and leakages. This method will

ensure that you get clean water that is free from rust and bad smell. It

will also help in maintaining a better water pressure, which will improve

the water flow.

If you live in the Denver and its surroundings, and you are looking into

repipping or repairing pipes, call Plumbers Denver now! We are a licensed,

bonded and insured plumbing company that provides quality and affordable

services to the Denver metropolitan area


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