
Bad Backlink Ideas You Should Avoid


Many websites chase after free backlinks, attempting to climb the ranks of Google through the sheer volume of links collected. Unfortunately, not all backlinks will benefit your website. In fact, some back links can actually hurt your ranking. To get the most bang for your buck from your link-building efforts, avoid these bad link building ideas.

Bad Idea #1 – Not Working For Anchor Text Links

Not all links are created equal. A simple link to your site, as in, is far less valuable than an anchor text link to your site that uses your target keywords. Google relies on anchor text to evaluate the relevancy of a link to a specific key word, so anchor text links greatly aid in seo efforts. If a free backlink doesn’t offer the opportunity to use anchor text, it may not be worth the effort.

Bad Idea #2 – Soliciting Reciprocal Links

Once upon a time, reciprocal links were the way to go. Websites swapped links and collected enormous collections of back links while building extensive “Resources” sections where they posted the links to their partner sites. Today, Google recognizes reciprocal linking much more quickly and puts far less weight on links that are given as the results of these exchanges. Most search engine optimizers would argue that reciprocal links are no longer worth collecting at all.

Bad Idea #3 – Not Scouting for NoFollow Tags

Many website forums and blogs use nofollow tags to tell the search engine bots not to “follow” the links listed on that page. When the spiders don’t follow the link, the link does you no good. The seo plug-in for Mozilla Firefox enables you to see whether a link is nofollow or not instantly.


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