
Top 10 Ways to Prevent Fire at Work


As an employer or owner, a workplace fire is a nightmare you don’t want to go through. In addition to the loss of life or injury to your workers, an outbreak of fire causes disruption to the regular work schedule resulting in economic setbacks. It is also difficult to rebuild and restart normal operations after a major fire outbreak. Hence, it is always advisable to prevent fire outbreaks by taking necessary steps and mounting adequate fire exit signs at appropriate locations.

Create a Fire Safety Plan

A well-defined and easily executable fire safety plan must include a list of fire hazards in your premises, procedures for proper storing and handling of inflammable materials and a list of all potential ignition sources. It must also describe all fire fighting equipments installed in the workplace, procedures to use them correctly and their regular maintenance. Your safety plan must also mention the name of the person responsible for implementing the fire safety plan under both normal and emergency situations.

Train Workers

Since workers are the people who will have to be evacuated or who will operate the emergency fire fighting equipments, it is important that they receive proper training in these categories. All employees must know whom to contact in case of a fire emergency or the number of the local fire brigade. They must be aware of all fire exit signs and how to interpret them correctly as to reach a safe area quickly.

Conduct regular refresher sessions

Training workers is not enough; they should be tested often on their knowledge and its correct implementation. It is usual for people to forget instructions (even on something as important as fire prevention) so you should conduct refresher sessions at regular intervals just to remind them of the salient features.

Conduct Mock Fire Drills For Worker Preparation

It is important that workers follow all evacuation procedures correctly and know the proper way of using fire fighting equipments. Conduct mock drills to evaluate their preparedness and you may actually be able to control the spread of fire or minimize loss of life significantly.

Practice Good Housekeeping

Keeping the workplace clean and clutter-free goes a long way in preventing fires. Provide enough waste bins for proper collection and disposal of all wastes, including paper and other stationeries. Always store and use inflammable articles with care and make workers aware about their safe handling.

Conduct Regular Checking Of Appliances

There is no point in installing the latest fire fighting equipments such as extinguishers and sprinklers if these are not in top working conditions. Avoid nasty surprises at critical moments by checking all your fire fighting equipments regularly for smooth and efficient functioning.

Undertake Periodic Overhaul Of Gadgets And Wires

Installing the latest fire fighting gadgets is also another important step in fire prevention. Outdated gadgets or worn out extinguishers will never be able to deliver the desired result in case of a fire outbreak.

Ensure Regular Maintenance

Always hire competent service providers for regular maintenance of all your fire fighting equipments. Cleaning, oiling or other maintenance-related work should never be left to your workers or other handymen.

Check all Electrical Connections

Faulty electrical connections or worn out wires can lead to a fire anytime. To prevent such a situation always hire competent electricians for all electrical installation, repair and maintenance work at your workplace.

Installing Appropriate Signages

Lastly, installing adequate fire exit signs at appropriate locations can go a long way in preventing the loss of life during a fire. You should also install the mandatory signs for fire safety in your workplace to minimize the spread of fire.

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#Top #Ways #Prevent #Fire #Work

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