
SEO Strategies for Dominating the World’s Largest Search Engine


The Beginning

When I started learning about seo, I really didn’t know where to begin. And like most stories of challenge, I was at my ropes end-I had tried everything. After many sleepless nights, nearly $20,000 wasted on website development, and a lack of results, I was tired, frustrated, and broke. After spending many endless hours learning how to apply the techniques that the number one ranked websites were using, I started using many of the same techniques on my own website and quickly reached the top of Google for specific keyword phrases.

These findings resulted in what I am now calling the seo Made Simple method. My focus was-and still is-Google, because it garners more search traffic than any other search engine. I’ve also learned that the optimization techniques used to reach number one on the world’s largest search engine are unique. Shortly after I began applying these techniques to my own website, I quickly went from being on page 10 in Google for key search terms to the top of the search engine result placements (SERPs). Although search engine results vary from time to time, all of my keyword searches show my website on the first page of Google, and many of them are in the number one or number two position.

After spending many late nights applying the seo techniques I learned, it wasn’t long before I developed faster, more efficient ways of getting results. These optimization techniques saved me valuable time and money, making the process much easier and faster to implement. I’ll be sharing all of these techniques with you in the pages that follow so you can avoid wasting endless hours on manual processes that can easily be automated.

The best part of seo is that I don’t spend a single penny on Google AdWords or any other type of online advertising. Why would I? I’m getting all the traffic I can handle from the number one placement on the largest search engine in the world-Google! Other keywords I’ve focused on for this website include marketing articles, marketing service providers, and marketing blog directory.

Benefits of seo

Search Engine Optimization is capable of providing you a strategic edge over your competitors

– Has a positive psychological impact on a visitor.

– Help you create a brand identity.

– Higher ‘brand recall’.

– Increase in targeted on-line traffic.

– Better web site positioning.

– Ability to dominate over competition with your mirror sites.

– Fast, measurable ROI.

– Increased and boosted product sales, and online visibility.

– Lower client acquisition costs.

– Broader web-marketing share.

– Compete efficiently against larger competitors.

– Continuous Visibility.

– Makes the most out of the best tool for advertising.

– The cheapest marketing tool, even on the net.

– Increases your revenue. Many non-brick and mortar firms have grown only with online presence and the best example is Amazon. com.

On-Page Optimization

As I mentioned in the introduction, there are essentially two parts to any seo effort: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. We will begin with an overview and explanation of on-page optimization because it creates the foundation for your seo efforts and is easy to understand. Simply put what you do on your web pages can have a positive or negative impact on your search engine result placements-where your site is ranked on Google for a particular search term or phrase.

What Is On-Page Optimization?

Defined in its most simple form, on-page optimization is what you do on your website to help or hurt your SERPs. From my perspective, on-page optimization also refers to critical planning steps like understanding your niche, keyword research, and web strategy.

The best part of on-page optimization is that it’s fully in your control. If done correctly it can improve how search engines see your website, weigh your relevant content (keywords) and place your website within search results for a given term.

Keyword Research

The more I learn about search engine optimization, the more I’ve come to rely on effective keyword research. Finding the search phrases that your website or blog should be optimized for is essential to any search engine optimization campaign. The goal is to find relevant, high traffic keywords that will be less competitive from an optimization perspective. Less competition means that

you’ll have a much better chance of achieving number one rankings for your chosen keyword phrase. Doing this takes a little work but is well worth it.

The value of selecting keywords strategically is very high. The “right” keywords allow your optimization efforts to happen quicker and produce the best organic result. Many of the companies I’ve consulted for over the past few years didn’t pay much attention to keyword research. As a result, they were either trying to optimize their websites for keywords they could never achieve number one rankings for, because an authority site like Wikipedia held the top position, or for keywords that had next to no search volume.

What are LongTail Keywords?

It is very difficult for new blogs to rank on single or broad words. For example “Wireless Routers” is a keyword having very high competition. When you search in Google by typing wireless routers, you will find the website having high Domain Authority. You can find domain authority of any website by using Moz site explorer. It is very difficult to outrank those websites. So, bloggers use long tail keywords like “Best Wireless Routers under 50 dollar”.

Free tools to find the long tail keywords

· Answerthepublic is one of the best tools to find long tail keywords. It provides tons of keyword suggestions.

· Keywordtool. io is another tool. Before writing you may find your keywords there.

· Soolve provides keyword suggestions from the search quarries of Google, Amazon, Ask, etc. for free.

Ways to Find the Keywords

1. Google Suggestions: Along with these tools, there are some tricks where you can find keywords suggestions. Just write down the topic name in Google then scroll down to the bottom to find the related keywords. Here see what Google shows for “Best wireless routers. “

2. Forums: You can also find a new keyword on the different forums. Just write down “keyword” + “forum” search query in Google to find the forums related to your keyword.

3. Wikipedia: You can also use Wikipedia for this purpose. Enter the keyword in Wikipedia’s search bar then scroll down to the bottom. It also shows some related topics.

4. Google Trends: Google trends is another very helpful service by Google. It also provides the related queries which you can use for keyword research purpose.

5. Forums Questions: Join Question Answers forums like Quora. Forums like Quora has tons of active members. This is also a great way to find the new keywords because people asked so many questions there and you may find new keywords on which you should write the post. So these are some easy ways you must focus on after starting a Blog.

What Is Off-Page Optimization?

Off Page seo is nothing but ways or methods to improve the ranking or position of a website on the results page of a search engine (SERPs). Off page seo is not just related to link building. Off page seo is related to various promotional methods apart from the website design. The sole purpose being improving the position of a website in search results.

Dissimilar to on page seo, following activities come under off page seo that fall outside the limits of webpage:

• Social Media

• Link building

• Social bookmarking

Let us see them in more detail.

• Social Media:

Online networking or social media is a piece of ‘off-site seo‘ and looking at the situation objectively, it’s additionally a type of link building. It ought to be noticed that the greater part of the links you get from social media platforms are “nofollow” yet this doesn’t imply that they don’t have any worth. Social media mentions are making progress as ranking variables and legitimate design of social networking profiles can likewise help seo.

• Link Building:

External link establishment or link building, is the most prevalent off-Page seo technique. Essentially by building outer links to your site, you are attempting to accumulate the same number of “votes” as you can with the goal that you can sidestep your rivals and rank higher. For instance on the off chance that somebody loves this article and references it from his/her site or blog, then this resemble telling search engines that this page has great data.

Throughout the years, webmasters were attempting to build links to their sites with the goal that they rank higher and they “invented” various approaches to expand link count. The most well-known ways are:

1. Blog directories:

Similar to yellow pages, however every entry was a link back to a site.

2. Comment link:

The same idea as forum signatures where you remark on some other site or blog with a specific end goal to get a back link. Much more terrible, rather than making use of your real name you could utilize keywords so as opposed to writing ‘remark by Alex Chris’, you wrote ‘comment by How to lose weight’ or anything comparative.

3. Article directories:

By publishing your articles on an article directory, you could get a link back to your site. Few article directories acknowledged just exceptional content while different directories acknowledged anything from rewritten articles to effectively published articles.

Notice that we utilized the past tense to depict all the above strategies on the grounds that not just they don’t work today, you ought not attempt them since you will probably get a penalty as opposed to a rise in rankings (particularly with regards to Google).

•Social bookmarking:

Social bookmarking is not as famous as it used to be in the past yet it is still a decent approach to get traffic to your site. Contingent upon your corner you can discover sites like reddit. com, digg. com, stumbleupon. com, scoop. it and delicious. com (to give some examples) for promoting your content.

Importance of Off-Page seo:

Search engines have been striving for a considerable length of time to figure out how to give back the best results to the searcher. To do that, they consider the on-site seo variables (depicted over), some other quality components and off-page seo.

Off page seo gives them a decent sign on how the World (different sites and clients) see the specific site. A site that is helpful will probably have references (links) from different sites; it will probably have a place on social media (Facebook likes, tweets, Pins, +1’s and so forth.) and it will probably be bookmarked and shared among groups of similarly minded individuals.


Here are a few benefits of successful off-site seo:

• Increased rankings: Ranking will improve, which means more and more traffic.

• More exposure: Higher rankings likewise implies more noteworthy exposure since when a site positions in the top ranks: it gets more links, more visits and more online networking mentions. It resembles a ceaseless grouping of events where one thing prompts another and afterward to another and so forth.

• Rise in page ranks: Page rank is a number somewhere around 0 and 10 which shows the significance of a site according to Google. It is the framework developed by Larry Page (one of Google’s founder members) and one reason that Google was so effective in demonstrating the most significant results to the searcher. Page rank today is stand out of the 250 factors which Google is utilizing to rank sites.


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