He is one of my heroes and an inspiration for all who seek for Peace and Harmony through a ‘conspiracy of LOVE’. His ‘templates’ suggest that one thought perfectly conceived by one man can influence the totality of consciousness or World Mind. I hope he is right, and I try to develop this critical mass of consciousness. I have covered the continuing battle the Catholic Church has with his thought and numerous other things related to him and Jean Houston, in other books.
“Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a visionary French Jesuit, paleontologist, biologist, and philosopher, who spent the bulk of his life trying to integrate religious experience with natural science, most specifically Christian theology with theories of evolution. In this endeavor he became absolutely enthralled with the possibilities for humankind, which he saw as heading for an exciting convergence of systems, an “Omega point” where the coalescence of consciousness will lead us to a new state of peace and planetary unity. Long before ecology was fashionable, he saw this unity he saw as being based intrinsically upon the spirit of the Earth:
‘The Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth.’
Teilhard de Chardin passed away a full ten years before James Lovelock ever proposed the “Gaia Hypothesis” which suggests that the Earth is actually a living being, a colossal biological super-system. Yet Chardin’s writings clearly reflect the sense of the Earth as having its own autonomous personality, and being the prime center and director of our future — a strange attractor, if you will — that will be the guiding force for the synthesis of humankind.” (1)
Gerald Massey has written about the Seven Souls of Man and many interpretations of various religions in his theosophical quest. I think he expresses what we all must do in terms of piercing the veils of both religious and scientific paradigm thinking which seems all too managed and deceitful. I find too many people need black and white answers when the Mysteries are quite chaotic just because they do not understand the fundamental laws or ways that energy works. It is better to trust in the awesome nature of nature and reality than to manufacture pat or self-serving answers or directed inferential theories to make it seem all is known. Chardin and Bellarmine or many others like Roger Bacon who toiled within the bowels of the behemoth of Catholicism were not averse to saying there is more than they knew.
“The modern manufacture of ancient mysteries is just as great an imposition, and equally sure to be found out. Do not suppose I am saying this, or waging war, on behalf of the mysteries called Christian, for I look upon them as the greatest imposition of all. Rome was the manufactory of old masters 1800 years ago. I am opposed to all man-made mystery, and all kinds of false belief. The battle of truth and error is not to be darkly fought now-a-days behind the mask of secrecy. Darkness gives all its advantage to error; day light alone is in favour of truth! Nature is full of mystery; and we are here to make out the mysteries of Nature and draw them into day-light, not to cultivate and keep veiled the mysteries made by man in the day of his need or the night of his past. We want to have done with the mask of mystery and all the devious devilries of its double-facedness, so that we may look fully and squarely into the face of Nature for ourselves, whether in the past, present, or future. Mystery has been called the mother of abominations, but the abominations themselves are the superstitions, the rites and ceremonies, the dogmas, doctrines, delusive idealisms, and unjust laws that have been falsely founded on the ancient mysteries by ignorant literalisation and esoteric misinterpretation!” (2)
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