Brief information on the Agartha
1) In the middle of the last century an American ufologist George Wight tried to explore the caves and underground realms of our Earth. He believed that there are not only civilizations in the universe, but also bellow our surface. With a little group of enthusiasts he started exploring various caverns until they finally found something really amazing under the surface in the US state of Arkansas. George Wight got into contact with this subterranean civilization and later all evidence and records of him ever existing in the upper world (on the surface) began to mysteriously disappear.
2) In Slovakia we have a captivating story about a mysterious moon shaft that Antonin Horak described. His article first appeared in a speleological newsletter in USA (in March 1965) where he emigrated after World War II. Mr. Horak had joined the local (Czechoslovak) anti-Nazi movement in World War II and when German soldiers wounded him on one unfortunate day, he hid himself in a nearby village where a man took him into a cave near Zdiar. Mr. Horak spotted there a rock-cut (nearly) vertical tunnel of a crescent-moon shape with no ending. Jacques Bergier, a famous French mystery writer, described the Horak’s finding as one of the biggest miracles waiting for its discovery.
3) A famous British explorer, Percy Fawcett, reported that in the Brazilian jungle of the Matto Grosso region there had been noticed “eternal lights”, which – as the local Indians say – have burnt continually here for many years. Percy Fawcett was a proponent of the mythological Atlantis and he disappeared here. Some people say that he went into this subterranean world.
4) Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr., was a famous US naval officer and his secret diary reveals notes on entering the hollow earth interior: “We have let you enter here because you are of noble character and well-known on the Surface World, Admiral.” His diary also contains notes on seeing UFO’s with swastikas on them: “They are closing rapidly alongside! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!!”
Nagas (also called Sarpas) and Agartha in the Hindu mythology
Lord Shiva always wears cobras as decoration around His neck. Snakes symbolize power and fear. The theriomorphic (human-animal) forms of Nagas can be traced back to the times of the Indus Valley civilization (2500-1800 B.C.). Nagas are almost always associated with Lord Shiva and therefore most of their images are found inside Shiva temples. The snake worship (ophiolatry) is an ancient cult that has been practiced all over the world and not only by the Indians. “Naga” is a Sanskrit word for cobra. In the Hindu mythology, the venom of a Naga or Nagini, albeit deadly, also carries the elixir of immortality.
The Agni Purana says (Part 8, Geography, Astrology and Time Cycles): “Under the earth is the underworld. This too, consists of seven regions and their names are Aata, Vilata, Sutala, Taketala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala.”
The Supreme Naga is Shesha, the couch of Lord Vishnu; also known as Ananta, he represents the eternity.
The Mahabharata mentions Nagas as sons of Kadru and Kasyapa. Only the parenthood of Manasa (Queen of Cobras) is disputable. Some stories say that she was the daughter of Lord Shiva.
Nilamata Purana is a Naga Purana dedicated to the region of Kashmir. Nila, King of the Nagas of Kashmir, is described here.
Mayashilpa (an ancient text, part of Shilpa Shastras, a group of Hindu texts describing manual arts) specifies the Seven Great Nagas: Vasuki (sometimes also spelled as Basaki), Takshak, Karkotak, Padam (also spelled as Padma), Mahapadam (also spelled as Mahapadma), Sankhpaul (also spelled as Sankhapala), and Kulika.
The Hindus know the Hollow Earth or Agartha as Patala. In the Markandeya Purana (Canto XXIII – Kuvalayasva’s visit to Patala) it is written: “And drawing him thence, they led the prince to Patala; and in Patala he beheld them both as young Nagas, lustrous with the gems in their hoods, displaying the svastika marks.”
Five most important Nagas
All Great (Maha) Nagas are brothers, Shesha being the eldest of them.
Ananta or Shesha is King of all Nagas; according to the Bhagavata Purana, he is the very Avatar of Supreme God.
Vasuki is the ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and one of the Naga Rajas (Kings of Nagas).
Takshaka or Taxak is mentioned in the Mahabharata (Book 1, Adi Parva, Paushya Parva, Section III.): “Uttanka replied, ‘Sir, Taksaka, the Naga king, disturbed my work, and I had to go to the land of the Nagas.'”
Karkotaka is a powerful Naga king with immense magical powers.
Pingala is related to a mythological story of “Four Great Treasures”.
Eight most important Nagas
Hindu Puranas also describe “eight great snakes” or “Ashtanagas”; the following three Nagas, if added to the above-mentioned list, will make the number eight: Padma, Mahapadma, and Kulika.
Mother Goddess as Snake
Karumariamman, depicted with a five-headed cobra rising above her crown, is the main south Indian Mother Goddess worshipped predominantly in rural areas of south Asia. She is not a Nagini (a female Naga), but the primordial form of Durga (Mother Divine) that took her first form as a cobra. Also known as Mari, Maariamma, Amman, she is closely associated with the Hindu goddesses Parvati (Durga). Striking is the phonetic resemblance of her name Mari to Christian Mary (the mother of Jesus).
Surasa and Naga Mata are alternative names for Snake Mother (Mother Goddess in the form of a cobra).
Hindu Snake Festivals
Nag Panchami is a snake festival celebrated once a year by the Hindus (in the summer). The following five Nagas are worshipped on this auspicious day: Ananta, Vasuki, Taxak, Karkotaka, and Pingala. However, the Hindus may choose other Naga deities in place of the above ones in accordance with their local traditions (for example, Manasa appears among the Nagas worshipped on Nag Panchami).
Naga Chaturthi Osha is a fasting observed by women in Orissa (a state in India) on the 14th day of the bright fortnight of Kartik (September-October).
Other Nagas
The term “Nagas” also refers to a historical warrior caste of India and some scholars say that this caste used cobra hoods as part of their attire.
Gogaji is a folk deity of Rajasthan (India). He is a warrior-hero of the region venerated as snake god.
Iggutappa, god of snakes, is an incarnation of Lord Subramani (Lord Murugan-Skanda, the younger son of Lord Shiva).
Kaliya was a poisonous and angry Naga living in the Yamuna River.
Ketu is the body of Rahu; they form a head and a tail of one Naga.
Naagarajavu (god of snakes) is adored in Chenkara, a small village in Alappuzha, India.
Nagaraja is a combination of two Sanskrit words – Naga (cobra) and Raja (king). A few great Nagas are Nagarajas – for example, Vasuki, Takshak, and Ananta. The term Nagaraja also refers collectively to all these three snake gods.
Naka tampiran is a common snake deity in many south Indian villages.
Sri Kalahasti represents the three staunch devotees of Lord Shiva: the Spider, the Serpent, and the Elephant.
Asvasena Naga was the son of Takshaka; he lived in the Khandava Forest (an ancient forest mentioned in the epic Mahabharata).
Naginis (female Nagas)
Kadru was the Hindu ancestral Mother of snakes who had a sister Vinata. She is also called the one-eyed goddess like Manasa. She is Sarpamatar, or “Mother of Serpents.” Both Kadru and Manasa have sisters and both also have the name “one-eyed goddess” (see Manasa bellow to learn why the term “one-eyed” is used for this deity).
Khodiyar Maa is a great Naga goddess with a crocodile as her vehicle. Her story starts around the year 700 AD when she became famous.
Manasa, also known as Padmavati (the one that possesses the lotus) or Vishahara (the destroyer of poison), is Hindu Queen of the underworld (analogical to Greek goddess Persephone); she is the sister of Vasuki. Manasa was born on a lotus leaf when Lord Shiva’s semen touched it by the banks of the Kalidaha pool, a pond in Rajnagar (a town in West Bengal).
Manasa is called the “one-eyed” goddess because Parvati burned one of her eyes. The reason for doing this was that she was jealous of her.
Neta Devi is the Manasa Devi’s sister.
Ulupi, Naga princess, was the Arjuna’s wife; they had a son Iravat.
Colors of Nagas
Vasuki – pearl white; Taksaka – glistening red; Karkotaka – black; Padma – rosy hew; Mahapadma – white; Sankhapala – yellow; Kulika – red. These great serpents have two tongues and a hood with seven snakeheads held over their human one bearing brilliant gems.
Pearls of Nagas
Naga Mani is a term used for “cobra pearls”; they appear in many colors and have also references within sacred Hindu texts. Some of them, especially in the night, radiate a magic effulgence.
Snakes in mythologies outside India
Snakes were regularly regarded as guardians of the underworld, the messengers between the upper and lower worlds. The Gorgons in the Greek mythology were snake-women whose gaze would turn flesh into stone; the most famous of them was Medusa (with snakes in place of her hair).
Ayida-Weddo is a Haitian rainbow snake goddess.
Gukumatz (Kiche Maya) is a feathered snake god and creator.
Kukulkan (“Feathered Serpent”) is the name of an important South American snake deity. The depiction of a feathered serpent divinity is present in other cultures of Mesoamerica. Kukulkan is closely related to Gukumatz of the Kiche Maya and to Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs.
Zombi is the name of a snake deity in some cults of West African Vodun and Haitian Voodoo.
Mizuchi is a Japanese serpent-like creature.
Yato-no-kami are snake deities in the Japanese folklore.
Bashe is a python-like Chinese mythological giant snake that ate elephants.
Gong Gong is a Chinese water god (a sea monster) that resembles a serpent or dragon.
White Snake is a serpent referred to in an old Chinese legend.
Xiangliu is a nine-headed snake monster in the Chinese mythology.
Zhulong is a giant red draconic solar deity in the Chinese mythology. It had a human face and a snake body.
Mamlambo is a deity in the South African and Zulu mythology described as a large snake-like creature. Mamlambo in Zimbabwe can be identified with Inyaminyami (the Zambezi river serpent deity) and with the Mamiwata deity of West Africa. There is a theory acknowledged by researches that India and Zimbabwe had long ties and that Tantrism could be practiced in Mumbahuru, the “Great Enclosure” (“the house of the great woman”); archeologists found objects of the Indian origin here.
Ancient Europe
Lamia was a Naga-like daemon in the Greek mythology.
Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Queen of the underworld, was a Greek underworld deity; she is the Greek equivalent of the Hindu snake goddess Manasa.
Sirona was a goddess worshipped predominantly in East Central Gaul (a region in Western Europe) in the Celtic mythology. A number of inscriptions depict her as she carries snakes.
Australian aboriginal mythology
Snake deities are: Ungud, Galeru (or Galaru), a rainbow snake; Dhakhan is described as a giant serpent with the tail of a giant fish; Wollunqua (or Wollunka, Wollunkua) is a snake-god of rain and fertility; Julunggul (Arnhem Land) is a rainbow and fertility snake goddess also known as Kalseru; Akurra is a snake deity of the Aboriginal people of South Australia.
Mehen, meaning “the coiled one”, refers to a mythological snake deity of ancient Egypt.
Wadjet was an Egyptian snake goddess.
Christians associate snakes with Devil only and it could be that, in our primordial history, snakes did really exist as intelligent creatures, both good and bad. The following verses from the Bible (John 3:14-15) confirm that snake is the symbol of power: “And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.”
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