
Reasons Why Laravel Is the Best PHP Framework for Web Development in 2021


PHP is the most popular and widely used web development programming language that supports a wide range of frameworks like Laravel, Yii, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and more. And out of all these, Laravel has turned out to be a better choice than the rest of the frameworks because of its features and several other reasons it offers to web developers and businesses. Laravel also comes with a set of tools that makes web development more efficient and effortless. Laravel also simplifies the web development process with features like code reusability and clean coding structure.

Well, if you want to know about Laravel, keep reading.

Laravel was introduced by Taylor Otwell and was designed for better and effective web application development. It follows the MVC structure and is based on PHP. It is open-source in nature that also makes it a favoured choice for web developers today. It comes with a broad range of advanced features that also help in creating modern websites and web applications. The framework ensures rapid web development and you can save a lot of time with it. Moreover, it offers high security to the applications and sites and protects them from all external attacks and threats.

Now let’s go through the key reasons why Laravel is the best pick for web development in 2021.

Offers enhanced performance:

Laravel comes with and supports innumerable web development tools that help developers to boost their web performance. tools like Memcached and Redis need to be incorporated and integrated within the framework while building the web applications and this again makes things easier for the programmers to enhance the performance.

Open-source nature and powerful community support:

Another benefit of using this PHP framework is that is it open-source in nature and has the support of a powerful community of expert developers and development companies that continuously give support to the developers and aid in resolving different complexities during the development process. Also, the open-source nature of the framework makes it easy to access the codes and makes the framework more flexible to use as per the project requirements.

Offers easy unit testing:

One of the most prominent reasons for choosing this PHP framework is that if offers simple unit testing. This is a type of testing procedure in which all the components or modules of the web application can be tested and verified easily and no part of the project is left untested. Unit testing ensures there are no bugs in any part of the web application. This simply means that you can be sure to get a completely bug-free web app with this PHP-based framework.

Easy development of multilingual web applications:

For the businesses or companies that are aiming to expand their reach across different countries using different languages, this framework is the ideal choice for them. Web applications can be easily and quickly built for different countries and for different languages using Laravel.Again a great advantage of using it.

Object-oriented libraries:

One of the most crucial reasons to choose Laravel is that the framework has object-oriented libraries and a pool of pre-installed libraries as well that are not present in any of the other PHP-based frameworks available. And one of these libraries is the authentication library. And this library offers several features like Bcrypt hashing, cross-site request forgery protection, checking the active users, password reset, encryption, and more.

Easier authorisation technique:

The framework makes the execution of the authentication practices easier. Also, the framework delivers an easy method of establishing the authorisation control access and authorisation reasoning to the resources.

MVC support:

Another key reason to choose this framework is that it supports and follows the Model View Controller or MVC structure. And MVC aids in keeping the codes well-organised, making it easier for all the team members to work together.


Laravel comes with an in-built tool named Artisan. The developer can generally interrelate with the framework using a command line, which manages and forms the project ecosystem. The Artisan tool also permits developers to execute most of the time-taking programming tasks easily, freeing them from handling the same manually.

Database migration:

The framework makes data migration much easier and faster. With Laravel, you can also sync all the changes made in the database easily and flawlessly.

Offers enhanced security:

Laravel ensures high security to the web applications and employs a salted and hashed password, which clearly means that the password will not get saved as plain texts in the database. Actually, what it does is that it follows the Bcrypt hashing algorithm to produce an encrypted form of the password. The framework also offers protection of the routes, allows manual logging of the users, authentication drivers, password reminders, resetting passwords, encryption, and more to ensure higher security.

Blade templating engine:

Laravel also comes with a blade templating engine that is lightweight and helps developers to develop innovative and dynamic layouts for web applications. It is one of the most unique features of this PHP framework.

So, these were the main reasons why it is best to go with Laravel development for web application development. With all its features and benefits, the framework stands out as the best one among all the PHP frameworks in 2021.


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