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Tobi Steamer – Things to Avoid and Do to Make Your Tobi Last


Each time you buy something, particularly household appliance, reading the accompanying manual can be very helpful. Never try to use any appliance instantly without browsing through the manual. One of those household appliances that have been proven to benefit its user is the Tobi Steamer. This machine is an upright portable steamer just right for home use. It gets rid of wrinkles from any type of garment instantly leaving it looking and smelling clean. Once you get hold of your Tobi Steamer, make sure to grab the manual and read through it. This way you can be assured that you will be doing the right steps when using it.

Taking Care of Your Tobi

Tobi Steamer can be a powerful steamer but make sure to check them regularly especially for leaks. Checking on the nozzle if it is carefully placed in the right position is important. The hose should also be checked constantly for even small holes and leaks can endanger the user from contact with steam and hot water. When using the steamer, do not attempt to touch hot parts. Keep clothing, hands and hair away from this portion to avoid getting burned.

Using Your Tobi the Right Way and at the Right Place

The makers of Tobi Steamer made sure that they answer the plea of most consumers for a dry cleaner fit and suitable for home use. This appliance therefore should be for indoor use only. Steaming garments should be in a vertical position with an up and down motion unless you are steaming bed covers directly on the bed. Tilting the steamer backward or using it horizontally can cause discharge of water and may subsequently burn the user.

Treating Your Tobi with Care

Make sure that you treat Tobi Steamer with care; this is after all a very powerful appliance. It is lightweight that is why kids may think that it’s a toy. So make sure that they are carefully kept in a safe place. And whenever you are using your Tobi, keep the kids away to prevent them from being harmed. And most importantly, never immerse the steamer on the water or any other form of liquid, it may cause electric shock or can start a fire. Using an accessory or attachment other than those included in the package should never be done. It will not only damage the steamer, but it can also cause a short circuit.

Storing Your Steamer

Turn off the Tobi Steamer when not in use and always unplug from the outlet when finished using. After letting it cool, disassemble the hose and the pole and clean each part carefully before keeping them. Remove water from the water tank and rinse it with fresh water. Drain also the steamer to remove its content completely. Never keep the steamer and the water tank with water in it, some mineral deposits may form inside these containers that can emit unclean steam the next time you use it. Do not also keep the steamer while it is still hot. Place the appliance in a secured area.


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