
Types of Professional Teeth Whitening


Professional teeth whitening involves certain treatments that address the discoloration or staining of your teeth. It can be any of those procedures done by a dentist using a bleaching gel alone or with the help of an advanced light equipment. It can also be one that you’ll do at home, but under the supervision of a dentist. If you choose this type of at-home procedure, you’ll be using customized trays from the dental office.

Dental bleaching that’s done by the dentist is also called chairside bleaching. If you’ve got discolored teeth, this is the easiest way to whiten them. All you need to do is sit on the chair and the dentist will do everything for you – completing the session in an hour or less. In this procedure, you will be asked to wear a mouth shield made of a soft material that’s meant to protect the delicate tissues in your mouth, most importantly, the gums. The bleaching gel is then applied to your teeth using a customized bleaching tray. The tray is fabricated by making an impression of your mouth after the dentist has determined that you’re fit to have the treatment.

Today, almost any professional whitening system of this type includes the application of a light beam. The light is commonly called laser, but is not technically a laser equipment. It is simply an intense beam of light directed to the teeth being treated to further activate the bleaching ingredients of the gel. This makes the process faster and more effective. The number of sessions and the length of each session needed depend on the degree of discoloration or staining on your teeth.

For those who have sensitive teeth and gums, the dentist usually recommends an at-home procedure using a product that contains a lower percentage of bleaching concentrate. You’ll also use customized bleaching trays like those for chairside bleaching, except that you need to apply them yourself and for a longer period of time. It will take about 2 weeks before you see any obvious results from the treatment. In cases of severe dental discoloration, this procedure is used in addition to chairside bleaching.

Having a professional whitening treatment means you’ll get the advice of a dental expert on which specific procedure will be perfect for your discolored teeth. You’ll have the proper products and processes you need to achieve the best results for your teeth.


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