
The City of Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


The territory where the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk is located today, belongs to five sites of Ukraine, occupied by the people during the Paleolith epoch (100-40 millennium BC). During the Kiev Russian period the territory of the future Dneprodzerzhinsk, important trading occurred with the Varangians from Greece. According to the legend, the Ukrainian Cossacks played an important role in the city’s formation. The villages Romankovo and Kamenskoye, on which place Dneprodzerzhinsk is located, were founded by the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The first written mention of village Kamenskoye is dated 1750. In New Sechi (1734-1775) Kamenskoye was a part of Kodatsk of the Army Zaporozhye.

Building (1887-1889) by Polish, Belgian and French shareholders of Dneprovsky metal works on the land of the village Kamenskoye, redeemed at rural association, led to fast growth of the village. In the end of XIX – the XX-th century beginning settlements for employees and workers of factory – the Top and Bottom colonies grew. In 1896 there were 18 thousand inhabitants in Kamenskoy, and by 1913, the village had grown to 40407. In June, 1917 the Provisional government gave the village Kamenskoye the status of a city. On February, 1st, 1936 Kamenskoye was renamed Dneprodzerzhinsk. In 1938 its structure included villages Romankovo and Trituznoe. In days of industrialisation 1930-1950 in Dneprodzerzhinsk boiler-welding, nitrogen-mineral, cement and concrete factories, garment factory, car-building and a number of other enterprises were constructed.

Before the Great Patriotic War (World War II) Dneprodzerzhinsk had approximately 148, 000 inhabitants. The Great Patriotic War became a heartrending experience for the city. About 18 thousand citizens went to war on the fronts. About 11 thousand citizens were in the front lines of the war. During German occupation of the city which lasted 26 months, fascists shot 1069 citizens and 2999 persons were taken out for forced hard labour to Germany. On October, 25th, 1943 the city was released by the Soviet armies. In only 26 days after the release of the city, the first fusion at Dneprovsky metallurgical industrial complex was accomplished. The city’s complete recovery was finally finished in 1950.

In the post-war period the industrial complex of the city was replenished with new factories. The Dneprodzerzhinsk HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION was placed in operation. From 1950-1980 the modern architectural shape of the city was formed. New buildings were built, especially on left bank of the Dniper River. In 1970 the city was awarded the order of the Red Labour Banner. According to the new Constitution of Ukraine, Vasily Jakovlevich Shvets was selected as mayor of Dneprodzerzhinsk that constituted as a city for the first time in 1996.

Dneprodzerzhinsk is the third city in value in area after Dnepropetrovsk and Krivoi Rog. Dneprodzerzhinsk, in its geography, history of economic development and an industrial profile has much in common with Dnepropetrovsk. Between these cities and along the rivers connecting them, railway and automobile roads connect the settlements where majority of inhabitants who work at the enterprises of both cities.

The main industries of Dneprodzerzhinsk are 1. Metallurgical – Dneprovsky metallurgical industrial complex of F. E. Dzerzhinskogo and Open Society which is one of the largest enterprises of an industrial complex in Ukraine with a full metallurgical cycle on release of 5600 thousand tons of agglomerate, 4350 thousand tons of pig-iron, 3850 thousand tons of a steel, 3829 thousand tons of ready hire. Open Society is the unique supplier in Ukraine which rents axial preparation for railway transportation, piles of type Larsen, rails contact for underground, steel grinding spheres and trumpet preparation;

2. Machine-building – Open Society Dneprovagonmash (Of the newspaper “Truth”), one of leading enterprises of Ukraine and the CIS countries on designing and manufacturing of freight cars for the main railways and various industries; 3. Chemical and cocechemistry- chemical industrial complex, 2 cocechemistry factories, DneproAzot; 4. The industry of building materials – a cement works (Open Society Dneprotsement), precast concrete factory; 5. A number of the enterprises of the food-processing industry; 6. Port on Dnepr River, a railway junction, road service station;

In Dneprodzerzhinsk there are 47 large industrial enterprises and 1188 enterprises of small and average business. The structure of industrial production of the city consists of metallurgy and metal processing (67 %), chemical branch (18 %), coke manufacture (5 %), mechanical engineering (2 %), manufacture of building materials, electric power industry, food, easy and other industries prevails. The major kinds of production are pig-iron, steel, hire, cement, coke, mineral fertilizers, the electric power, main and industrial cars. In the past few years new kinds of production of buses was introduced.

There are also 5 design and research organizations. One of the major ones is the Ukrainian State research project Institute of the Nitric industry and products of organic synthesis. The institute carries out modernization of the operation and designing of new manufacturing processes in the chemical and allied industries. Under institute projects in territory of the CIS and the far abroad it is constructed over 100 units, of them 31 – in Ukraine. Also the State project institute “Dniprodzerginsk Civil Project” having 55-year-old experience of release of the design documentation on building of a city works.

Among the city educational institutions are Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University, industrial, metallurgical, power, chemistry-technological, trade and economic technical schools, medical and musical schools. The Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University was founded April, 25th, 1920 under the decision of Ekaterinoslavsky Provincial Department of Vocational Training in the city Kamjansky (nowadays Dneprodzerzhinsk) where one of the largest metal works of the south of the country has been located. The Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University has passed through the stages of formation, development and blossoming. In 1920 the Dneprodzerzhinsk Technical school became a technical school with the right of release of engineers of metallurgical specialty.

According to the decision of the High council of the National economy of the USSR on May, 24th 1930, the Evening metallurgical institute was founded. In the early 1930’s Kamjansky Evening Metallurgical Institute became the original educational industrial complex of all-union value in which highly skilled technical shots and Union for the iron and steel industry in Ukraine were trained. The Great Patriotic War interrupted the peace work of the university. The most valuable equipment was taken out to Magnitogorsk and other cities in the Ural Mountains along with a lot of teachers and employees of university of a steel on for Native land protection. The loss endured by institute was very large. After city dismissal the big work of updating and institute revival has begun. Gradually the metallurgical institute was restored and has now continued fruitful activity.

In 1960 the factory-technical college and Dneprodzerzhinsk evening metallurgical institute of M. I. Arsenicheva were reorganized. The factory-technical college system has displayed the kind of change which has occurred in industrial development of Dneprodzerzhinsk. In particular, development of chemical enterprises was caused by reception on specialties: chemical technology of firm fuel, automation and complex mechanization of the enterprises of the chemical industry. Further specialization of preparation of engineers in factory-technical college system changed, but the metallurgical profile continued to prevail. The further development of the high school produced a new building. In 1967 the new studying-laboratory case 1968 was erected. The student’s hostel was put into operation and the Dneprodzerzhinsk high school was reorganized. There are new specialties: metallurgy and technology of welding manufacture, technology of inorganic substances and chemical fertilizers; the electric drive and automation of productions;technology of mechanical engineering, steel cutting machine tools and tools and others. The high school actually lost the metallurgical profile.

In May, 1967 Dneprodzerzhinsk Institute the factory-technical college has been reorganized in industrial institute of M. I. Arsenicheva. In its five faculties – metallurgical, technological, chemistry-technological, evening and technical about 5 thousand students studied. Preparation of engineering shots at institute was conducted in four directions: metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering and power. The 1960s were characterized by growth of material base of institute, occurrence of new directions in preparation of experts and scientific researches. The main line of development of the institute has appeared in its growth, as higher educational institution and center of science. During the 1970s the institute was headed by new management;Loginov Vladimir Ivanovich became the rector of institute. During almost 25 years of his work as the rector, from 1963 to 1988 the high school has grown almost three times. New modern educational cases were built in 13, 15, 16, 17.

The high school was transformed from a small regional factory-technical college into the big modern industrial institute of republican and allied value. Entering each new decade, the Dneprodzerzhinsk Industrial Institute overcame problems that were achieved by the faculty, students, and employees. In 1970 Dneprodzerzhinsk was awarded the Labor Red Banner. The industrial institute of M. I. Arsenicheva already had in its structure six faculties: metallurgical, chemistry-technological, evening, technical. Teaching and educational and scientific work in high school was carried out by 30 chairs with 4 Doctors of sciences, professors worked; 110 candidates of sciences, senior lecturers; more than 140 teachers without scientific degrees. In 1968. V. I. Loginovym has been based the big museum of history of high school. During the early eighties an Accounting Department was founded.

The development of institute proceeded until the middle of the 1980s. Foundation for development of financial base and expansion of types of preparation of specialists, stopped up in 1960-70, settled systematic, for a few years to open new specialties and put a new complex into operation. In these years an industrial institute became a leading institute of higher in the cohort of metallurgical institutes of higher of republic, large highly skilled faculty advisers were formed, basic studying-methodical, research and educate work assignments were expressly determined, basic departments and faculties were formed, there were certain traditions and consuetudes of all collective of institute of higher.

In 1988. the rector of university was become Ogurtsov. His complex approach to working out actual problems of institute of higher life enabled gradually to transform an university to the high-quality new level. in October, 27 of 1993. The college of department of education of Ukraine a decision gave the Dneprodzerzhinsk industrial institute status of the State technical university. An institute of higher began to open new humanitarian and technical specialties: applied mathematics, jurisprudence (industrial right), machines and vehicles of food productions, metallurgy and chemistry of rare and dissipated metals, etc. In September of 1994. an economic faculty is created. For history of the existence a technical university was accumulated by

large experience of preparation of highly skilled specialists. In an institute of higher always worked and experimental specialists, teachers and scientists, work today. So, for example, in an institute fruitfully worked famous in the world metallurgist, in time academician, vice-president AN USSR of Bardin, professor Andreev (steel-worker), associate professor Brilliantov (blast-furnace operator), associate professor Poletaev (heating engineer), professor, manager by the department of Tsukanov (power engineering specialist), manager by the department of mathematics of Rubanov.

9 faculties function within the university: Metallurgical faculty, Chemistry-technological faculty, Faculty of economy and management, Faculty of sociology and philology, Faculty of electronics and computer technique, Mechanical faculty, Power faculty, Extra-mural faculty and Faculty of after diploma education.


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