
Shopping for a Speedy Computer? Specs You Should Be Concerned With


If you are like the many out there who are looking for the best value for their money but would like a speedy computer then you are not alone. Many have sat at a friend’s home with a new desktop computer or in a public office and wished their computer was only as fast as that one. Don’t make the mistake that so many make and purchase a computer only to bring it home and find that after you load all your favorite programs on it the computer moves like molasses.

The simple fact is there are certain guidelines that a person can follow that will help to ensure you end up with a speedy unit. These are broken down into several main categories. But probably one of the most important points to take home out of this article is that refurbished units should really be taken into consideration. Often a speedy computer costs a little more than one that is not. If you opt for a refurbished unit from one of the major manufacturers then you can hardly go wrong. Most all come with great warranties due to huge strides that have been made in the testing arena.

Looking for faster browsing on the internet? The name of the game starts with a good the hard drive speed, a decent processor type, sufficient amount of RAM, a reasonable operating system that isn’t a system hog and a solid high speed internet connection.

Internet speed is of course important but the stone cold truth is that your computer will only run as fast as its weakest link. Often the internet speed is the weakest link. But usually it’s a combination of internet speed, size of processor and amount of RAM. These would be the main dominating factors.

You need a minimum of 2 gigs of RAM and ideally at least a dual core processor for any kind of decent snap to your browsing. Here is the best tip of this article. You can never have enough RAM. Internet speed should be no less than 2 Mbps. This isn’t usually a problem as most high speed providers start at 5Mbps and up. Many sites offer a speed test for free. Do a search on the net and you will find many.

The next subcategory is to make sure you have no more than ten icons on your desktop. This will bog down your processor if you have to many. If you find yourself having more than ten the best solution is to right click and add a folder. Drag all the icons you’re not really using into this folder.

Also when your installing new software be sure to uncheck the box that asks if you want to start this program when the computer starts. This will prevent unwanted programs from running in the background and bogging down your computer. If you happen to have a lot of programs running in the background right click on them in the bottom right hand corner of your screen and close what are not really necessary.

Again the best bang for your buck is going to be in the refurbished realm. You can get twice the computer for half the money. Why spend twice the money for the same specs when both have comparable warranties.


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