
What Makes It Groove For You?


I like the beat and it’s easy to dance to.

Anyone who’s ever watched American Bandstand or Soul Train is probably familiar with those words. They have been used so often they’ve been elevated to cliche status.

But do you ever think about why you actually like a song or a piece of music? What is it about certain songs that resonate with us almost immediately while other music fails to move us at all.

Every single a major record label releases has high hopes of becoming a hit. Yet not every release achieves that lofty status. And it’s even more puzzling when you consider that the company spends significant amounts of advertising and promotion to help ensure the success of the release.

If one were to go back and review those releases which didn’t live up to expectations or perhaps didn’t chart at all, one would probably find plenty of songs which “had a good beat and were easy to dance to”.

There are a ton of factors which probably account for a songs ultimate success, but in the end the listener has to be moved by it enough to go out and purchase it. Advertising and Promotion will only take a song so far.

Do you consider a memorable melody as important to you? A melody that you can also sing along with, that doesn’t require a bunch of vocal gymnastics? Or is it the identification with the artist? How much you like the way they look or sound? Does the song need to have heavy subject matter, or do you prefer it to be light and non-serious.

I understand that everyone has different tastes. Some people like Hip-hop and others like Indi-Rock or Country Pop, etc. But even within genres there will be comparable songs, and one “makes it” while the other fails to excite.

Some people believe that science can be applied to this phenomenon. Sophisticated algorithms used to determine the sonic qualities and tempos which should result in music guaranteed to be successful. And while we know that major chord progressions tends to evoke happy feelings in people, while minor chord progressions tend to evoke sad feelings, I don’t know that anyone has figured out the human element involved to determine whether something is going to make the connection to listeners required to produce the impulse to buy the music.

Maybe when you boil it down, it really is about liking the beat and being easy to dance to.


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