
Is Online the Future of Clothes Shopping?


The internet has made a massive difference to so many sectors of the economy. The traditional model of the retail outlet has been changed forever, where people used to think of shops as the bricks and mortar establishments of old, so the new generation thinks of shops as places they visit from the comfort of their own homes. The ecommerce website has revolutionised commerce, no market has been left untouched by its monumental influence. This article will look at how the clothing market has been changed by a move to online retailing.

The clothing trade has been one sector that has been quick to pick on the huge increase of online shoppers. This has been a massive benefit for both main retailers and smaller boutiques alike. Both can access their markets directly, and for companies with a niche, the web has been a perfect forum for a company to exploit that niche.

For many, day to day clothes retailing is something that they would prefer takes them as little time as possible. If you are looking for simple items then the notion of a trip to the high street (with all the associated costs) is not something that necessarily appeals. The large retailers have noticed this trend and have been very effective in exploiting it. They have put time and considerable resources into creating an online shopping experience that not only provides the customer with the convenience they are looking for, but also follows and promotes the brand image that the retailer has spent many years developing. For the traditional ‘catalogue retailers’ this has been even more of a boon, the resources that traditionally were used to create the catalogues could now be used to create the website. They have been given a cheap and easy method to deliver that ‘catalogue’ to their customers, not through the traditional postal route, but via an easily updateable internet system.

For the customer this online retailing development has created a world where even plus size clothes can be ordered at almost any place or time. A consumer can visit the website of a large clothing retailer select the item and style, then order a number of different sizes from size 6 to plus size 28 to ensure they receive the correct size. The only downside will be the understandable increased cost to cover the additional postage and packaging.

The future is certainly bright for online clothes retailing, it has enormous benefits for both the consumer and retailer.


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